Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


By Ed Heptig, Director of Building Maintenance

Recently, when Lori told me it was my turn to provide an article for our monthly newsletter, I recalled an article I had read by Michael Cowley of CE Maintenance Solutions. Customer service has been a topic of discussion for me with my supervisors. We’ve been discussing the best way to close out work orders whether in person, by phone, or by using our AIM system. This article covers what our Facilities team is challenged by every day. How do we improve our customer’s perception of what we do?

In his article, Cowley lists several guidelines to ensure great service. The first one he lists is “Always Fix The Problem”. In my early years as a HVAC service worker, I believed in never walking away from a job without fixing the problem. However, I learned that there are times when, no matter what, you can’t always make the customer happy. One of my very first jobs involved a client that requested I add refrigerant to her central A/C unit. I explained that the unit only needing to be washed out and no refrigerant was needed. However, she insisted that her previous service provider put refrigerant in every year and I needed to do the same. No matter how I tried to explain that the system was fine, I ended up having to call my boss to the house to ensure her we didn’t need to add refrigerant. Taking the time to talk to this client was not something I wanted to do, but it was something I needed to do. I gained her respect and her business. From that day on, our company was called twice a year to service her heating and cooling system. The customer is ‘always right’ but sometimes it may take extra time to explain the problem and/or how you fixed it. You might even need to call in your boss and that is ok too! There are times you will be right and there will be times when they will be right but taking the time to talk with them will help down the road.

While this article is written in the context of building maintenance, it can be applied to every part of Facilities. I hope we can all take the time to read it and receive something positive from it. There is always room for improvement!


(Michael Cowley, CE Maintenance Solutions)

 As we all know, performing maintenance and keeping our customers happy at the same time can be a tall order. As maintenance professionals, we all know we are doing a good job so quality control doesn’t seem to be too important to us. However, the reality is that many of our customers don’t share the same high value of the maintenance effort as we do. Quite often, the customer view is the opposite of what we see in the mirror each maintenance day.

So let’s talk about what items should be part of our new Maintenance Quality Control program and how we change the existing perception of our maintenance team, assuming it needs a little adjustment.

As we talk about maintenance quality control, the first thing to consider is the customer side of quality control. Often we concentrate on our own maintenance side of quality and pay little attention to our customers. After all, we are the experts, not the customer. This translates into “if we are happy then they must be happy!” The reality is if the customer is not happy it doesn’t matter what we think of ourselves. Perception is truth!

External Customer Quality Control

  • Always fix the problem – this may sound silly to many maintenance employees but not fixing the problem is one of the biggest complaints filed by customers. This is either because we didn’t understand the problem in the beginning, we didn’t take time to find out what was bothering them, or the worst case, we didn’t care.
  • Do more than expected – always do more than the customer expects. Go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. Often it is as simple as talking to the customer.
  • Clean up after the fix – this is one of my pet peeves. Always leave the work area cleaner than you found it when you arrived.
  • Communicate to the customer – communicate, communicate, communicate. Reach out to the customer before the work is scheduled, when the work is scheduled, during the work, and always after the work is complete to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Under promise and over deliver – this is primarily related to the scheduling of the repair work. Complete the work faster than the original schedule and in a shorter repair time.
  • Follow-up with questionnaire and evaluation – this may sound like a great deal of work but with the current technology available to us it can be totally automatic.
  • Verbal from dispatcher of all calls – if you are lucky enough to have a full-time dispatcher then the person-to-person follow-up can easily be accomplished. Sometime within 24 hours of the work being complete you have the dispatcher call the work requester and ask how the work went. Very simple.
  • Email response from all completed work requests – if no dispatcher is available then your CMMS can automatically send a form email to the requester. Typically the email reads, “Hello. Our records indicate your work request #BR549 has been completed. Please fill out the short form below and return or call to speak directly to our maintenance staff. Thank you and have a great day.”

Internal Side of Quality Control

The internal side of quality control can actually be more important than the external customer quality control. If your quality is excellent, your customers won’t have anything to complain about. I still believe the communication and follow-up component is important for all service providing organizations.

  • Were all the parts disposed of properly – nothing damages your organization’s perception than to leave the old parts behind. Remember the area needs to be cleaner than when you got there. This includes the equipment and the entire work area.
  • Work order properly filled out and completed – all of the proper codes and comments should be completely filled in including the actual hours spent on the job as well as all parts used. This is essential to determine the total cost of the work.
  • Tools cleaned and ready for the next job – all tools and equipment must be cleaned and prepared for the next job. Everything placed back in the proper storage area so it can be found the next time it is needed.
  • Asset history updated – make sure your asset history is properly updated. If parts have been changed or modified, this needs to be in the asset history so the next repair person understands what has taken place in the past.
  • PM procedure updated if needed – if it is a preventive maintenance work request, take time to update the procedure to ensure the PM is as close to perfect as possible to guarantee the proper things are being inspected and adjusted.
  • Supervisor called and more work requested (Just kidding) – Sorry for the Mike’s World humor but yes, your employees should be requesting the next job as soon as the cleanup and paper work is finished.

Keep in mind all of the above needs to be audited on a regular basis to ensure your quality program is working properly. Remember you must inspect what you expect.


Saying Goodbye to One of Our Own…

Facilities has said a difficult goodbye to another one of our own last month. Paul Walsh, Utility Worker with the Landscape & Grounds department, passed away April 21st in his home.

Prior to working for K-State, Paul worked for Dunlop Tire Manufacturing Plant, and Caterpillar Manufacturing in Wamego. We extend our deepest sympathies to friends and family during this difficult time

Payroll Reminder…

Reminder about vacation leave accruals for fiscal year 2017

By Human Capital Services


Employees who earn eight hours of vacation leave per pay period will not accrue vacation leave on the following dates:

  • Pay period ending May 20 — paid June 2.
  • Pay period ending June 3 — paid June 16.
  • Pay period ending June 17 — paid June 30.

Full-time employees who earn at the eight-hour rate will have earned their maximum 176 hours for fiscal year 2017 and will not begin accruing again until the beginning of fiscal year 2018 — June 18-July 1 pay period.

New or part-time employees who have not met the 176 hours will accrue for pay periods ending May 20 and June 3, but they will not accrue for pay period ending June 17 since it results in the third paycheck in the month of June.


All of the occupants of Dykstra Hall would like to say a big “THANK YOU” to the custodial crew who refinished our post office and breakroom floors. See below for ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of our post office.  They did a great job!

Crew members include David Yoesting, Antontio Ortiz, Mary Willoughby, Diane Wester, and Amanda Worthy.





We want to say ‘Congrats!’ to our fellow Facilities employees who were recognized at the 2017 USS recognition ceremony held on Wednesday, April 26th. Way to go!




Christopher Falley is an Electronics Control Systems Supervisor for Facilities Power Plant and Utilities. He received the award in the service and maintenance and skilled crafts category. Falley is a dedicated employee who is goal-oriented, admired, and respected by his staff for his leadership, mentoring, and his ability to assess and remedy complex problems and issues. Falley leads a team of employees who are responsible for operating and maintaining the campus boilers, steam distribution, and underground tunnel infrastructure.



Steve Jones a Carpenter Senior for Building Maintenance Zone 4.




Michael Ayon                  Angelo Burt                           Christopher Coyle

Kelly Guilfoyle                Christopher Hayden            George Leroux

Douglas Ray                   Glen Rubash                          Arturo Sias III

Alan Stevens                  Janet Treadwell



Joy Knutson                    Daniel McGee                       Patrick Standlee

Ki Ja Suh                          Darrin VanDorn                    Araminta Washington

Delmar Westover



Jonathon Bagwell          Dennis Brady                         Anne Murphy

Michael Price                  Art Sias                                   Christopher Slattery



Lawrence Lee

Darlene Matthews

Anthony Whetstone



Troy Bronaugh                      Peggy Grater                         John Hoyle

Barbara Larson                     Rick Renner                           Russ Thompson



James Davis

Larry McCoy



Jacqueline Toburen



Gary Johnson

Sharon Slack



H.A. Seely

Construction Project Highlights & Space Migration Moves

By Diana Hutchison, Director of Campus Planning

Campus construction during the last year has kept the Campus Planning project managers fully engaged.  The College of Business was occupied fall of 2016 and the following projects are still in construction:


                                               Chilled Water Plant                                                                                      Jack Carlson, Project Manager

Work has been completed on the New Chiller Plant and the installation of chilled water lines. Work continues for converting existing buildings to the new chilled water loop. (Above: New Mechanical Room in Bluemont)


                            Seaton Hall Expansion and Renovation                                                               Emmy Chamberlin, Project Manager

Work continues in all areas of this project. All areas in Seaton East and Mechanics Hall are being renovated. A new building linking Seaton East to Mechanics Hall is enclosed and interior spaces are being fitted out.  Occupancy is scheduled for Fall 2017.


                            KSU Student Union & Union Courtyard                                                                 David McMullen, Project Manager

The food venue began opening in Fall of 2016. Call Hall and Radina’s are finishing construction and opening dates should be announced in the near future. Work continues in the Little Theater, Bluemont Room, and the restaurant/pub.  The restaurant/pub will be operated by Housing and Dining.  A grand opening has been tentatively scheduled for October 2017. Visit http://union.k-state.edu/ for building access updates.


                           Trotter Third Floor Anatomy Lab Remodel                                                                Jeremy Sharp, Project Manager

Construction will begin in mid-May for the renovation of the third floor of Trotter Hall. Second floor rooms will be closed for the summer for installation of new plumbing and electrical to serve the third floor above.  The second floor rooms will be reopened for Fall 2017. The third floor renovations for the anatomy lab are scheduled to complete and the space ready for occupancy for Spring semester 2018.


Space Migration Moves

The following is an update for Space Migration Department Relocations.

  • Waters Hall (Rooms 220-230 & 240-243) Improvements to the space to occur this summer and College of Ag is to move Fall of 2017.
  • Lafene Mercy – Via Christi will vacate leased space summer of 2017. Lafene, Human Nutrition, Athletic training, Telecom, and Counseling Services have been assigned space in the vacated space. Improvements to the space will begin this summer and relocations will occur as work has been completed. Updated information can be found at:





Congratulations to Arturo Sias III (HVAC Tech Sr. for Zone 3) and his wife, Ashley, on the arrival of their baby boy on April 1stArturo Sias IV arrived at 8lbs, 1oz and 22 inches long. Arturo Sias Jr. (Painter Sr. for Zone 3) and his wife, Cindy, are the proud grandparents.


(Left: Arturo Sias III (Dad) and Arturo Sias Jr. (Grandpa) pose with newest addition to the Sias family)




Congratulations to Kit Tebbut (GMRT in Moving & Hauling) and his wife, Diane, on the arrival of their son, Andrew River Tebbutt (who will go by “River”) on February 1st. River weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 19 inches long.


(Right: Proud daddy, Kit Tebbutt, snuggles with baby River.)