Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


Congratulations to Casey Lauer (Assistant V.P. Engineering, Utilities, & Maintenance) and his wife, Hannah, on the arrival of their baby girl, Tait
Autumn Lauer.
Tait was born on Thursday, November 17th and joins sister, Zoe (2 years) and brother, Jack (6 years) in their family of five!





Employees accruing under the Kansas Board of Regents leave accrual plan will not accrue vacation leave for pay period ending 12/17/2016 (paycheck dated December 30, 2016). Those affected include unclassified employees (12-month) and university support staff employees (excluding service and maintenance classifications). This is the third paycheck in the month of December and is not one of the 22 pay periods (176 hours) where these employees accrue. Please be sure to remind employees so they are aware.






Officially observed state holidays during the holiday period are December 26th, 2016 and January 2nd, 2017. The normal workdays affected during this period of campus closure are December 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th.

University Support Staff and Unclassified Non-Exempt Employees not required to work during this period may use a combination of the following types of leave:

  • Earned Holiday Time for working the Veterans Day Holiday
  • Calendar Year 2016 Discretionary Holiday
  • Accumulated Vacation or Compensatory Leave
  • Leave without Pay with supervisor approval

Twelve-Month Unclassified and University Support Staff Exempt Employees who do not perform duties during this period may use a combination of the following types of leave:

  • Equivalent Time earned for working the Veterans Day Holiday
  • Calendar Year 2016 Discretionary Holiday
  • Accumulated vacation leave, or
  • Leave without pay


Employees who still have their 2016 discretionary day must use it by December 31st, 2016. The 2017 discretion day will be available January 1st, 2017.










Jeffrey Sims was hired on November 14th as an Electrician Senior in Building Maintenance Zone 3. He is working for Shelly Hauck.













Marc Crosby was hired on November 28th as a Lock System Specialist in the Lock Shop. He is working for Ed Heptig.













Daniel Rhodes was hired on November 21st as a Custodial Specialist. He is working for Quentin Rawlins


By Loleta Sump, Director of Customer Service

Last month’s article for the newsletter provided some basic no-frills information about the All University Campaign (AUC). This month I want to share more about the primary focus of this year’s campaign: YOU!

During the 2014 All University Campaign (AUC), I began my note to you in this way:

Let’s get the cold hard facts of reality acknowledged right up front! Many of you are now sighing (maybe even angrily) and thinking, “how dare they ask me for money when….” I’ll let you fill in the blank with your own personal thoughts.

 Well, it is 2016 and the cold hard facts haven’t improved!  That’s why, this year, our focus for the All University Campaign is on YOU!  Over the last couple of weeks Appreciation Events were held with the sole purpose of letting YOU know that K-State Appreciates YOU!


Thank you, Facilities employees, for all that YOU do for K-State!

  • YOU are the silent warriors, fighting every day to keep our university operational, clean and beautifully landscaped.
  • YOU are the unseen heroes who keep the Chill Plant running 24/7, come in during the middle of the night to mop up flooded areas or clear snow and ice off roads and sidewalks.
  • YOU are the dedicated individuals who pick up, sort and deliver hundreds of packages, periodicals and letter mail for faculty, staff and students every day or graciously respond to 1,500 plus phone calls, emails, service requests, etc. every month and create work orders for each one.
  • YOU are the steadfast teams who respond to those 1,500 work orders to meet the needs, desires and life safety issues of our campus community.
  • YOU are the “energy experts” who strive to identify ways to conserve energy and reduce utility dollars for the university.
  • YOU are the “behind the scenes” folks who procure the parts, paper products, etc. necessary to complete work orders, who pay the bills…and, oh, yes…make sure Facilities employees get paid!
  • YOU are the ones who support the campus community with vehicles for their travel needs and the ones who keep university vehicles running.
  • YOU are the overseers of campus construction projects, academic and special event schedules and a myriad of other tasks crucial to the success of Facilities and K-State.

So, whether or not you can contribute $1.00 or more to the All University Campaign, we want you to know that we understand and appreciate what you do every day to ensure that K-State keeps on “keepin’ on.”



As a reminder…

  • If you do decide to contribute, literally hundreds of funds are available from which to choose.  Some that might be of interest to our Facilities folks are:
    • Campus Beautification Fund C19100
    • Center for Child Development Learning Environment C28708
    • Division of Facilities Development Fund C22483 
    • Geosciences Building Fund F26376
    • Hoeflin Stone House J27285
    • Classified Employee Opportunity Fund  C21151
    • K-State Wellness Program – Live Your Best C29421
    • University Support Staff Fund C21151
  • If you are a Facilities employee and donate even $1.00, your name will be entered into a drawing for four K-State Football tickets to the KSU vs KU game on November 26, 2016 (Section C, Row 40) complete with parking pass.  These were graciously donated to Facilities by Jill Shields from Intercollegiate Athletics.
  • K-State faculty or staff who participate in the All-University Campaign before

Nov. 18, 2016 will be entered into a weekly drawing.


Facilities enjoyed a “Goody Potluck” to celebrate Halloween on Monday, October 31st in Dykstra Hall. Mark Loberg (Project Manager in Campus Planning) takes the opportunity to show off his new pet!




The Division of Facilities enjoyed great food and great company during the President’s Appreciation Luncheon held in the Alumni Center Ballroom on Thursday, November 3rd.



ROY JONES (Painter Senior, Paint Shop)

Dear Division of Facilities,

I work in the Building Services department of Hale Library. And I wanted to let you know that Roy Jones has been doing exemplary work for the library. He really goes above and beyond his responsibilities. Within the last couple of weeks especially he has really helped our custodial crew out with some of the patron requests that he received. Such as: a patron had spilled a drink all over a table that was next to the section of wall he was painting. Instead of tracking down the custodian responsible for that floor he took it upon himself to go ahead and clean up the spill. recognition_greatjob_870x330Then about a week later, he was working in a graduate study room patching and painting the walls in there, and the trash needed to be taken out because it did not smell particularly pleasant and again he just took care of it; and then he asked me if I had any room spray to make it smell nicer. He doesn’t want to be a bother to anyone and if he sees a problem he is willing to fix it.  Every interaction I have with Roy is always a pleasant one, because he is a refined gentleman. I would like his supervisor to know that we love having Roy Jones in the library and his work is top notch.  Roy is an all-around excellent person and we appreciate everything he does for the library.

-Jesica Thornton, Building Services – Hale Library



WENDY SCHLESENER (Administrative Assistant, Motor Pool)

Congratulations to Wendy Schlesener for her 1st place finish in K-State’sfirst-place Movement Challenge for Fall 2016. She averaged over 31,000 steps a day during the 6-week event. Wendy attributes her active lifestyle to walking her “very active” Catahoula Leopard dog as well as being an avid cyclist.








During the President’s Appreciation Luncheon, several Division of Facilities employees were recognized for their loyal years of service to K-State:



Rollin Coberly – 30 Years

Gregory Fief – 20 Years

Roy Jones – 20 Years

Anthony Stevens – 10 Years

Robert Crider – 20 Years

Mary Grubbs – 20 Years

Su Maloney – 10 Years

Michael Mathews – 10 Years

Quentin Rawlins – 30 Years

Janice Rood – 30 Years

Terri Wyrick – 10 Years

John Lacy – 20 Years

John Hofmann – 10 Years

Timothy Johnson – 20 Years

Allen Wege – 20 Years








The Division of Facilities department of Recycling entered a float in the K-State Homecoming parade for the fourth year in a row to show support for campus activities, while increasing awareness of K-State’s recycling program. K-State celebrated its 101st Homecoming during the week of October 15th through the 22nd.






Recycling’s Float for K-State’s Homecoming Parade in October


Thank you for creating another great float this year!

(Mark Whitehair, Kelly Whitehair, Dianne Spiegel, & Bill Spiegel)


By Sandra Hoffman, Director of Training & Safety


A successful safety program is EVERYONE…

  • …being committed to making the programs work!
  • …being involved in program development!
  • …having the ability to identify and control hazards!
  • …following OSHA regulations!
  • …performing safe work practices in their daily job assignments!
  • …increasing their safety knowledge through training!


Over the past eight years, EVERYONE IN THE DIVISION OF FACILITIES has taken the LEAD in making a safer and healthier work environment. This commitment has DRIVEN DOWN several of the indicators that determine the success of a safety program: number of injuries, lost time, and restricted days.


The year 2016 stands to be the most successful year since the implementation of these programs in 2008!
