Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


THANK YOU 10The Division of Facilities would like to thank the K-State Student Union Staff for all of their help and flexibility as we made last minute adjustments to our Family Day plans due to the rain.

We also want to thank all of the great Facilities Volunteers who helped with everything from setting up tables and chairs, supervising the kid’s activities, scooping ice-cream, acquiring donations for the raffle, cleaning up and everything in between! You are appreciated for helping to make the day a great success!

Happy Retirement!

Larry Haller

Congratulations to Larry Haller who retired July 15th.

Larry had a long career with K-State that spanned more than 27 years. After being hired as a Custodian in 1988 he moved on to work in the Roof Shop, the Carpenter Shop, and finished his career with more than 20 years as a Painter Senior in the Paint Shop. We wish Larry all the best as he enjoys his retirement years!



I2SL’s Heart of America Chapter is giving one scholarship to attend the 2016 I2SL Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO September 25 through 28, 2016. The scholarship will cover the costs of registration (not including preconference workshops), hotel, parking, and a one year I2SL membership. The scholarship does not include reimbursement for meals (though the continental breakfast and lunch served during the event are included in the registration fee) or optional events. The scholarship is open to any employee of a College, University or Public Agency working in the State of Kansas or Missouri. Deadline for applications is Monday, August 22, 2016.

 -Michelle Gangel, Vice President, AIA, LEED® AP     PGAVARCHITECTS

 Please e-mail Lori Hayden at LGhayden@ksu.edu for a scholarship application.



Kansas State University and the Kansas Association of Public Employees (KAPE) are currently involved in meet and confer (or negotiations) towards a new memorandum of agreement.  KAPE represents our Service and Maintenance employees and you are in that unit.Important_information_logo

Recently, the Kansas Board of Regents voted to allow an increased vacation benefit to USS employees of its institutions.  However, the law requires that the university and KAPE meet and confer (or negotiate) on mandatory topics of bargaining and we are in the process of doing so.  Any change to vacation accrual for employees in this unit will be effective after a successor agreement is finalized and approved by the parties, the Kansas Board of Regents and the Secretary of Administration, as required by state law.

Questions about the union’s position should be referred to the KAPE union president, Bill Glover, at buckiglover@sbcglobal.net or 785-770-9264.  Thank you.

 –Gary Leitnaker, Director of Labor Relations




(Policy change as described in K-State’s Policy and Procedures Manual/Chapter 6330)

.010 Introduction

This policy provides guidance to the University community regarding the procurement, use and possession of mobile devices and mobile device plans owned by the University.   The policy and guidelines have been developed to ensure compliance with State of Kansas policies and IRS policies.

.020 Policy

University funded mobile device plans may be provided when a department head has determined that the use is appropriate and needed.
Mobile device plans are not to be used for personal use.  All university funded mobile device plans will be monitored by the issuing department head to ensure compliance to University and State policy.


Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Division of Financial Services, General Accounting (/finsvcs/general accounting/) at 785-­532-­6202.




Our Building Maintenance crew is missing two 8-foot ladders that were requested for our Division of Facilities Family Day activities on Friday, August 5th. The ladders (labeled Zone 5) were placed near the fountain on Bosco Plaza early Friday morning. When our crew returned to retrieve them they were missing. If you have any information on where they may be located please contact the Facilities front desk at 785-532-1707 as soon as possible. Thank you!!


Employees of the Division of Facilities and their families enjoyed a day of food and fun at the K-State Student Union on Friday, August 5th. Bowling, pool, bingo, face painting, balloon animals, kids games, and Call Hall ice cream were just a few of the highlights and activities enjoyed by over 300 attendees. Facilities would like to send a HUGE “Thank You” to the K-State Student Union staff for accommodating all of our last minute alterations due to the rain. We also appreciate all of our hard working volunteers for helping to make it such a great success!




Facilities Kids enjoying having their faces painted and building marshmallow skyscrapers!


Facilities Directors prepare to dish out delicious Call Hall Ice Cream!

Greetings from Landscaping & Grounds!

By Jackie Toburen, Physical Plant Supervisor Senior, Grounds Maint.

It’s Green Up (Mow, Mow, Mow), then Dry up (Water, Water, Water) time on the KSU Grounds.  We have seen a major change in rainfall amounts in the last few weeks.  It seems that when we start putting out the annuals, that’s when it stops raining significantly.  Probably just coincidence, but none the less, it keeps us hopping to keep the landscapes and lawns watered.  Our main campus irrigation team (Mark Fronce, Eric Law and Shawn Wilson) have worked tirelessly for hours on end to get the irrigation kstate landscape 3systems on main campus up and running.  There have been breaks galore and lots of contractors to work with.  These guys have endured it all and are insuring the plants get watered. Under the leadership of Joe Myers, they are keeping their “heads above water”!

Joe also has responsibility for the team maintaining the main campus landscape and grounds.  His team of Dan McGee, Delmar Westover, Scott Wilburn and Bob Odle take care of the flowers, shrubs, mulching, spraying, fertilizing, pruning, push mowing, weed whipping, and many other facets of the landscape.  Rob Slattery and Ron Parks are utilized in collecting trash on a daily basis, and then they assist the landscape team members with all of the areas mentioned above.

Jul 26, 2000 11

In addition to Mark’s responsibilities on irrigation, he also is responsible for the main campus mowing team.  They (Randy Hobbs, Patrick Standlee, Douglas Prockish, and Derek Stock) keep the main campus mowed and manicured.  They can also be seen out assisting other team members.

Joe has two team members that make up our tree crew, Jim Hartford and Doug Ray. They do the majority of the tree pruning on campus as well as tree removal, when needed.  They have a third member, Augy Gonzales, who helps when needed.  He can also be seen out edging sidewalks, sweeping streets and sidewalks, sweeping (grooming) the Memorial Stadium Field and assisting with mowing.

As many of you might know, in March and April we moved from the Power Plant and the Grounds West Operation, to 141 Dykstra Hall.  We continue to OS48093.JPGoperate a main campus crew and a west crew, but everyone reports to the same place every day.  David Stuhlsatz, supervisor of the west crew, left Facilities on May 31, 2016, to take a job with the Athletics Department, so Jackie Toburen is running their everyday operations.  Hopefully, you won’t see much of a difference in our team’s handling of your needs.  The rest of the team is doing a good job of staying ahead of the needs of their area.  Mary Walgrave is keeping their irrigation systems in check. Donnie Silva, Blake Miles, and John Lacy are keeping everything mowed and also doing other jobs as needed.  Paul Walsh can be seen daily policing his area for trash, putting out sprinklers to water flowers, helping with irrigation repairs and assisting anyone else that needs help. Kelly Guilfoyle does a great job of taking care of the Vet. Med. hospital grounds. Adam Shriner is the team’s mechanic.  He keeps our machinery running! He works on all of our equipment, does preventative maintenance, and even helps mow when needed. His shop is 131 Dykstra Hall but he can also be found in 141 occasionally.green-thankyou

I want to take this moment to thank all of my staff and applaud them on another great year.  Everything looks wonderful, green, and clean.  I appreciate everyone’s willingness to help out in areas that they may not have helped out in before.  The teamwork displayed by our team is phenomenal!

Lastly, I want to welcome Kevin Schindlbeck to our team.  He is our new Director.  He has been here for about 1 month and is learning to find his way around campus.  He is in charge of our department, Custodial, and Recycling.  We are happy to have him on board!!!!

Many Thanks!

Hello Everyone! Last week Katie and I were staffing the Library’s table at Orientation and Enrollment. One of the people we spoke with is a self-described “super senior” –she’s been at K-State for five years and loves Hale Library.recognition_greatjob_870x330 We asked what she particularly loved about Hale and she immediately said “How clean it is!” We told her that the custodial crew gets here in the early morning hours to clean and minimize disturbing people studying or working. She was even more impressed when she found out how early the custodial crew gets here. So we want to send a big “Thank you!” to the custodial crew for Hale Library. We notice your great work and, clearly, so do the students!

-Sara Kearns, Associate Professor – Hale Library

Happy Retirement!

Facilities would like to congratulate and wish a “Happy Retirement” to        Al Seely and Charles Bukacek!

DSCF3514Al Seely retired from his position as Physical Plant Supervisor Senior in Campus Planning. He has worked for K-State Facilities for 45 years. Jack Carlson, Project Manager for Campus Planning, describes Al as:

“…. always cheerful, helpful, and pleasant to be around. He loves to talk about his children (referring to them affectionately as kid#1 and kid#2), cars and reminiscing about his many years at K-State”




Charlie Bukacek

Charles Bukacek retired from his position as HVAC Technician Senior in Building Maintenance. He has been employed by K-State for more than 20 years. According to Tim Brunner, Steam & Chill Plant Manager,

“Charlie has a wealth of knowledge and enjoyed teaching guys that wanted to learn. He will be missed by everyone who is trying to order a bearing or sheave! I would like to wish him well in his retirement and say ‘thanks’ again for his service.”

retirement wish