Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Grounds & Landscaping

landscape 6The role of the Grounds Maintenance and Landscape Department is to provide a safe, functional and aesthetically-pleasing exterior environment for the students, faculty, and staff of Kansas State University. The main campus of K-State consists of 250 acres of intensely landscaped area. The Grounds Maintenance Department is responsible for the maintenance and installation of all turf grass, shrubs, trees, and annual flower beds on campus.

To accomplish their mission, the Grounds Maintenance Department employs thirty-five individuals throughout the year. In addition to the normal grounds and landscape maintenance activities, Grounds Maintenance is responsible for litter pick-up on campus, snow removal on sidewalks, street and parking lot cleaning, underground irrigation systems, Athletic Grounds maintenance, support to special events, and the operation of the Facilities Management tree nursery and green house. Currently, the staff for Grounds and Landscaping include:

Jackie Toburen, Physical Plant Supervisor Senior

Joseph Myers, Physical Plant Supervisor

Mark Fronce, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor II

Adam Shriner, Equipment Mechanic Senior

Augustine Gonzales, Equipment Operator Senior

great jobDouglas Ray, Equipment Operator Senior

John Lacy, Equipment Operator Senior

Donnie Silva, Equipment Operator Senior

Randall Hobbs, Equipment Operator

Blake Miles, Equipment Operator

Douglas Prockish, Equipment Operator

Patrick Standlee, Equipment Operator

Derek Stock, Equipment Operator

Kelly Guilfoyle, Agricultural Technician Senior

Delmar Westover, Agricultural Technician Senior

Robert Odle, Agricultural Technician Senior

Daniel McGee, Agricultural Technician Senior

Scott Wilburn, Agricultural Technician Senior

James Hartford, Agricultural Technician Senior

way to goShawn Wilson, GMRT Senior

Calvin Law, GMRT Senior

Mary Walgrave, GMRT Senior

Ronald Parks, Utility Worker

Lyndle Slattery, Utility Worker

Paul Walsh, Utility Worker


Grounds Thank you

On The Move…

Kevin Schindlbeck
     Kevin Schindlbeck




We want to extend a hearty K-State welcome to Kevin Schindlbeck, our new Director of Facilities Services! Kevin will be overseeing the Custodial Department, Campus Landscape & Grounds, as well as Refuse & Recycling.







Shelly Hauck
        Shelly Hauck



Congratulations to Shelly Hauck for her promotion to Physical Plant Supervisor Senior for Building Maintenance Zone 3! She is working for Ed Heptig.








Steve Anderson
       Steve Anderson



Congratulations to Stephen Anderson for his promotion to Electronic Technologist for the Chill Plant! He will be working for Tim Brunner.



Welcome to Our Team!

Garrett Heath
        Garrett Heath

Garrett Heath was hired as a Building Systems Technician at the Power Plant. He is working for Tim Brunner.



Gretchen Johnson
     Gretchen Johnson

Gretchen Johnson was hired as the Administrative Officer for Campus Planning and Project Management. She is working for Diana Hutchison.

Trading Spaces

By: Heather Mills, Assistant Director Space Management

Several space migration projects have been completed over the past year which will provide multiple opportunities to bring departmental units together. Some might be wondering when the relocations will happen and who is moving where. You can find these answers and more on the Space Migration website. Detailed floor plans have been provided online to show what areas are affected by the space migration project. The goal of this process is to assist the university in reaching its long range goals and advancing the K-State 2025 Plans. See below for the relocation Schedule Overview.

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Heather pic 2

Heather 3



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Happy Retirement!

We want to extend our deepest congratulations to Larry McGee on his retirement from Facilities as our Director of Administration and Finance. A reception was held in Larry CakeLarry’s honor on Friday, May 27th and several friends and co-workers stopped by to offer their support and appreciation.

Larry retired as the first civilian director of the Directorate of Public Works at Fort Riley in June 2011 after a 30+ year career with the government. He accepted the position within K-States Facilities in Spring 2012. He was known for being extremely knowledgeable, a gifted people-person, and just a tad ornery. We will miss Larry immensely but wish him and his wife, Beverly, all the best as they enter this next chapter in their lives!

Larry and his wife, Beverly, open his retirement gift.
Larry and his wife, Beverly, open his retirement gift.

On the Move!

Cindy McNulty


Congratulations to Cindy McNulty on her promotion to Human Resource Professional I. Cindy’s new responsibilities include processing new employees and supervising our payroll department. Congrats Cindy!



Welcome to Our Team!

Jayme Cockrell
Jayme Cockrell

Jayme Cockrell was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She is working for Mary Grubbs.

Arthur Anderson
Arthur Anderson

Arthur S. Anderson was hired as a Custodial Specialist. He is working for Rod Hodges.

Shanna Nelson
Shanna Nelson

Shanna Nelson was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She is working for Rod Hodges.


The Department of Space Management provides comprehensive facilities space planning, space allocation, and facility data information for K-State. The purpose of space management is to ensure university resources are planned, maintained, and managed in a way that contributes to the university’s missions of research, collaborative learning, and effective space utilization. Space Management is a resource for many types of building data, including drawings, floor plans, room capacity data, and space utilization information. Our mission is to maintain accurate space data and make the data available to the university community as a resource for making decisions that positively impact Kansas State University. Our Department of Space Management is currently staffed by:

  • Heather Mills, Assist. Director Space Management (see feature article)
  • Victoria L’Ecuyer, Administrative Specialist
  • Patrick Hodgson, Engineering Technician.


  • What is a Space Survey? The annual Space Survey is administered by the Office of Space Management for the purpose of updating and maintaining the University’squestion mark Space Database. Each College or department will be asked to review their current space inventory to verify room functions, floor plan accuracy, and department space allocations. It is the responsibility of each Dean, Department head, or Administrative unit leader to ensure all their units provide the requested information.


  • What is the difference between a Space Request and a Room Request? A Space Request involves requesting a change to University space allocation. It isquestion mark submitted when a current department or college determines that additional space to their current allotment is required. A Room Request is needed for reserving an available campus room or facility such as a general use classroom or All Faiths Chapel. More information about Room Requests can be found on the Division of Facilities website:
