KUDOS!…to our very own ADDISON NIEHAUS (Student Worker, Central Mail) for her role in organizing the successful “No Drive Book Drive” event for Ogden Elementary School!
Addison Niehaus, a senior in Elementary Education, was event coordinator for the first-ever “No Drive Book Drive”. Addison and fellow members of Kappa Delta Pi, an international honor society for Education Majors, hosted the fundraising event. Their goal was to provide each Ogden Elementary student with a book as well as donate several books to their school library.
Not only did they achieve their goal, they surpassed it by leaps and bounds! Enough donations were generated to provide each Ogden Elementary student with five books as well as donate more than $300 to their school library!

KUDOS!…to K-State Recycling for winning the 2018 Big 12 recycling competition in Recyclemania 2018!
Congratulations! K-State won the 2018 Big 12 recycling competition in Recyclemania 2018. During the eight weeks of the competition, K-Staters
recycled 486,286 pounds of recyclable material! K-State has won this competition four of the last five years due to your commitment to making Kansas State University a greener place. The recyclable material includes paper, plastics, aluminum and tin cans, food compost, and cooking oil. Winning would not be possible without teamwork. So! A big “thank-you” to the students, faculty, and custodians who pick up the material in the buildings. A job greatly appreciated by all!
–Bill Spiegel, Manager, Refuse & Recycling
KUDOS!…to those recognized at the 2018 USS Recognition Ceremony!
Matthew Smith, Electronic Technologist, Energy & Controls
Matt Smith is a dedicated employee who has a strong work ethic and passion for what he does. He was instrumental in the recently completed campus chilled water expansion project as well as the Seaton renovation and College of Business Building construction. He is goal-oriented, admired and respected by his peers for his leadership and his ability to assess and remedy complex problems and issues. His interpersonal abilities, experience, attention to detail and understanding of HVAC and control principles allows him to mentor and train team members on a broad array of topics. (Submitted by Gary Weishaar, Energy Engineer)
Cynthia McNulty, Human Capital Representative, A.S.C.

Deena Barger Marvin Heck Gerardo Negron
Thomas Bartlett Roy Joosten Darrell Nelson
Velder Booth Patrick Lancaster Tammy Powers
Judy Fiegener Derek Macy Janet Weeks
Clinton Grubbs Evelyn Negron
Erik Bergstrom Josh Ricker
Susan Kent James Schooler
Roger Hageman
Galen Hageman
Hulan Jack III
Kirk Norris
Bernard Brehmer Linda Pfaff Rene Smalldridge
Carol Wendland Ute Cruz Araminta Washington
John Hoffman Janice Rood Jacqueline Toburen

KUDOS!…to our GROUNDS CREW for all the great work they did around the K-State Rec Center!
Grounds Crew,
Thanks for all your hard work around the K-State Rec Center. I really appreciate the effort. The area looks awesome!
-Clint Hafliger, Associate Director of K-State Recreational Services

KUDOS!…to Zone 3 Team members JEFF SIMMS (Zone 3 Electrician), JEREMY FILBY (Zone 3 MR Tech) for going the extra mile to help get K-State’s Dairy Plant back up and running!
“A few weeks ago, when our Dairy Plant lost a tower fan, I called in a work order to facilities. Within a few minutes, Jeff Simms was at my office, ready to help. He quickly tracked down the problem, which required replacing the motor. A motor was ordered and scheduled to arrive at 11:30 am in the morning so I asked Jeff Simms and Jeremy Filby to start working on it as soon as they got back from lunch. I got the 120 lb. motor off the truck and, to my surprise; Jeff and Jeremy were there with the crane! They had skipped lunch to get me back on line. I cannot express how much that meant to my team and me. The dedication of your Zone 3 Building Maintenance Team is amazing. Please give them and their supervisor, Shelly Hauck, a “that-a-boy” from all of us here at the Dairy Plant. Thanks for all you do!”
–Jared Parsons, KSU Dairy Plant Manager