Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News

Don’t Forget!

The Division of Human Capital Services is now accepting nominations for staff awards. In addition to the Unclassified Professional Staff Awards of Excellence and University Support Staff Awards of Excellence, there is a new award opportunity, The Belonging Award, for both unclassified professionals and university support staff designed to recognize outstanding efforts toward building a more inclusive environment at K-State:



  • K-State University Support Staff Belonging Award – Recognizes outstanding work on inclusivity and belonging efforts at K-State. All university support, benefits eligible staff members (full or part time) are eligible to be nominated.


  •  K-State University Support Staff Awards of Excellence – Recognizes exemplary performance and contributions of university support staff members who excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity and strong commitment to K-State’s mission. All university support, benefits eligible staff members (full or part time) are eligible to be nominated. One winner will be selected from each of the following three categories:
  1. Office & Clerical
  2. Technical & Professional
  3. Service, Maintenance & Skill Crafts




  •  President’s Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals – Recognizes unclassified professional staff members who achieve excellence and/or make exemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State. Unclassified professional staff (or non-faculty) with a minimum of three years of continuous service who are employed at five-tenths or greater on a regular or term appointment are eligible. One winner will be selected from each of the following five categories:
  1. Team Building, group activity, service to the university
  2. Exceptional productivity, creativity or innovation
  3. Distinguished accomplishment
  4. Leadership
  5. Belonging – new in 2018



All nominations require a completed nomination form AND two letters of support from other individuals. All nomination forms and accompanying letters of support are due by February 16.

Please visit the Human Capital Services webpage for more information.



Many Thanks…

for all the work they have done to help CATS’ CUPBOARD, the K-State food pantry.

Erin Bishop, Food Pantry Coordinator


TO HYSUK STODDARD for all of her hard work caring for Dole Hall and the K-Staters that work there.



Hello all, 

The Athletic Director at Manhattan High School stopped me today during their swim

meet to express his (and the swim coach’s) appreciation for efforts being made in the Natatorium to improve the air quality. He stated he had not been in the Nat since the end of their spring season (May) and he was “blown away” by the marked difference in the air quality stating  “…the difference is just unbelievable. They have done a fantastic job.”

 He praised K-State several times and noted that he could see there were things being done to try and improve that situation. Thank you for your continued efforts. -Val

-Valerie Coltharp, Program Associate, UFM Community Learning Center



Good morning everyone!
It was great having you in the
Supervisor Toolkit class at K-State last month. Larry and

I would like to thank you for the wonderful hospitality we were shown. I have attached a class photo that we took. We wish you all the best in your careers in Facilities Management.
Best, Steve
                                    -Stephen D. McClain, CMMS/Training Coordinator

University of Arkansas

Just For Fun!

K-State’s Recycling Department entered a float in the Manhattan Mayor’s Holiday parade last month. The float was built by Kelly & Mark Whitehair and Dianne & Bill Spiegel.




Happy Retirement!

Congratulations to several members of our Facilities Family who have recently reached that beautiful season of life called, “retirement”! Thank you for your valued years of service and we wish you all the best as you begin this next chapter in your life!

Eugene Williams, Custodial Specialist for Steve Greinke’s crew.



Mary Walgrave, Landscape Tech II for Joe Myers crew.


Augie Gonzales, Landscape Tech II for Joe Myers crew.


Kris Fulkerson, Storeroom & Procurement Manager


Welcome to Our Team!


Justin Shank was hired as an IT Support Specialist for Space Management. He is working for Heather Mills.



Branden Helvie was hired as a Custodial Specialist. He is working for Chaz Jackson.



Drew Alexander was hired as a Custodial Specialist. He is working for Stephanie Brecheisen.



Nathaniel Settle was hired as a Custodial Specialist. He is working for Roger Schneider.


Reflections & The Future

By Tim Brunner, Associate Director Power Plant & Utilities

Greetings from the K-State Power Plant!   We’ve had a year full of positive change, and I want to share some of our accomplishments and successes.

I need to start by thanking my crew for their dedication and hard work. Their team-centered mindset enabled us to achieve several goals, and set a path of continuous improvement for our Campus utility infrastructure and systems. Chris, Roger, Mike, Larry, Velder, George, Cliff, Justin, Joe, Garrett, Christian, Steve, and Tanner:

“Thank-you for all you do to make us successful!”

There are several steps in the process of creating and distributing steam to Campus. Ideally, once steam has been used in a space on Campus, it returns to a liquid state and is pumped back the plant, where it is re-heated and converted back into steam. Any breakdown in this process can be expensive. To help increase system reliability and efficiency, we initiated a Preventive Maintenance Program, where we maintain condensate pumps, test steam traps, identify leaks, check expansion joints, and monitor pressure-reducing stations each quarter within the underground distribution tunnels (see picture below). By fixing leaks and tuning the system, the plant is experiencing a reduced load, and an increase in liquid condensate returning to the plant, saving the University $50,000 to $75,000 each year.

Another cost savings came in the form of reduced chemical treatment use in our Steam and Chilled Water Plants for 2017.  After researching ASME guidelines, meeting with chemical representatives, and pursuing extensive training we are now able to maintain chemical levels within more defined parameters. These efforts are reducing the volume of chemicals needed which saves Campus more than $37,000 per year. Bulk containment units were integrated at the Steam Plant to eliminate chemical storage, creating a safer, more efficient, hands-free-operation for plant staff. Smart-release chemical skids are planned for Unger and the Rec Center to continue these trends.

We have also eliminated many deferred maintenance issues in the steam plant by thinking outside-the-box. For example, instead of replacing the two leaking condensate return storage tanks at a cost of $350,000, we researched tank-lining options and found a solution that would cost less than $30,000 per tank. The first tank has been lined and the second is almost completed. We expect to receive another 10-12 years usability as a result of this solution.

We assumed operational responsibility of the new Chiller Plant (as seen in the photo above) in May 2016. It’s been a year of fine-tuning plant performance based on Campus load, equipment efficiency, balancing two plants in harmony, and optimizing run times to minimize utility expenditures. The new plant houses two high efficiency 2925 ton York chillers, and is designed to accommodate two additional chillers in the future as the Campus expands.

This year, a top priority is to balance the operation of our plants in a way that minimizes electrical demand, a strategy that we expect will save approximately $200,000 in utility costs compared to last year.

The old chilled water plant received some needed attention for optimal system operation, including the replacement of cooling tower fans, motors, gearboxes and communication lines. These changes were necessary after dealing with failures of existing equipment. With a good preventive maintenance program now in place, this equipment should function well for the next 20 years.

We’ve implemented new logging software in the plants, an upgrade from the paper-to-spreadsheet method. This software will allow us to trend plant efficiency, immediately see problems in boiler/chiller operations, and aid in calculating a ‘starting point’ to trouble-shoot any issues we have in the tunnels. Our goal is to phase out paper logs completely by January 2018.

In the upcoming year, we will concentrate on Plant Thermal Efficiency. We plan to insulate our boiler drums as well as address further insulation needs in the underground tunnels. Even though our Preventative Maintenance program is in its early stages, we are already enjoying the benefits of detecting and derailing potential issues before they become major problems. As we continue to ‘get ahead of the game’, we will start seeing even greater strides in efficiency and savings in our operating costs.


TO BILL SPIEGEL, DIANNE SPIEGEL, KELLY WHITEHAIR, & MARK WHITEHAIR for creating another successful Homecoming Float for the Recycling Department! The two banners on either side of the float describe what K-State recycled in 2016.

Left-Side Banner: “In 2016, KSU diverted 99,643 pounds of food waste and additional organic matter that were turned into rich compost used through-out Campus”

 Right-Side Banner: “Last year K-State recycled 1,987,117 pounds of waste which means we diverted 30.94$ of our campus waste from going to the landfill”



…to THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ZONE 4 TEAM (Galen Hageman, Arturo Sias III, Brent Kolterman, Josh Seward, Erik Bergstrom, Parker Dean, Steve Jones, Josh Ricker, Anthony Stevens, Roy Jones, & Lex Pearson) for their outstanding service to the Campus Creek Complex!

Hello Gentlemen,

 I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the efforts put in by Facilities Zone 4 employees. Since the University has established the Zone grid, it is my opinion that when I call with a need for assistance, the person that comes knows exactly where to go and what to do, not to mention I recognize them (which is actually important in my building, since we have a higher confidentiality code due to clinics). The Facilities employees are sensitive of our need for confidentiality. They always check in so we know who is in the building. They continue to update me on the status of the work being done, which reduces the phone calls to their office or Service Desk office. The response time is quite prompt, and the results of their work is very satisfactory. As a matter of fact, we have a new Zone 4 worker, Anthony Stevens, who came in this week to change out filters, and replace light bulbs. While he was here he also vacuumed out the light fixtures (bugs) and wiped the canister lights (fingerprints), making our clinical areas appear more sanitary. Josh Ricker, GMRT, is also quick to respond, and does an excellent job with our lighting needs. We’ve called in many room temperature issues, and Brent Kolterman and/or Art Sias show up and save the day. It’s amazing they know what to do, and how to troubleshoot! Steve Jones does excellent work with our structures, which we’ve had several items needing hung on walls, or repairs. He’s a good carpenter! Josh Seward and Erik Bergstrom are our master plumbers (also my heroes!) Parker Dean, our electrician, takes very good care of our electrical needs. And then with Galen Hageman at the helm, things run smoothly. Anytime I call him for something he calls me back promptly, and is very patient, gracious, and knowledgeable.

While I’m at it, I’d like to say it’s always a pleasure to call the Service Desk, and get Joy, Cody or David on the phone. You couldn’t pick better people for that position!

 I saw this posted in a FM News online (see below), and I couldn’t agree more. I have worked at Kansas State University for over 30 years, and have never had more confidence in facilities services than I do in the Zone 4 Team! Thank you Facilities!               -Becky Wolfe, Speech & Hearing Center



…to GARRETT HEATH, JOSEPH ALTER, CHRISTIAN GREY, GEORGE LEROUX, AND TIM BRUNNER for achieving certification as Class-3 Operating Engineers and becoming licensed through the Society of Power Engineers!

           (left to right: Garrett Heath, Joseph Alter, Christian Grey,             George LeRoux, and Tim Brunner)