A retirement dinner was held on Saturday, September 3rd for Dr. Curtis L. Kastner, former Director of the Food Science Institute. The event was held at the Stanley Stout Center.
It was a great night! More than 160 people came to celebrate Dr. Kastner’s retirement from Kansas State University! Family, friends, colleagues old and new, students and staff came to honor Dr. Kastner and Rebecca, who spent 41 years at Kansas State University. Curtis retired in July to spend time with his wife Rebecca and enjoy their free time with their family.
Speakers included Dr. John Floros, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Dr. Ken Odde, Department Head – Animal Sciences and Industry and Food Science Institute Acting Director, Joy Axe and Mary Smith McCurry, Kastner’s first graduate students, his sons Drs. Jason Kastner and Justin Kastner, Dr. Curtis Kastner’s lovely wife Mrs. Rebecca Kastner. Dr. Aramouni presented a gift on behalf of the FSI faculty and staff, Christine Rock and Macy Sherwin presented Dr. Kastner with a card signed by food science students. The emcee was Dr. Randall Phebus.
Thank you to those who sent letters/notes/memories and to those that contributed donations towards Dr. Curtis Kastner’s Food Science Student Enrichment Fund.
Thank you to the committee (Dr. Dave Nichols, Darla Thomas, Sarah Reasoner, Dr. Justin Kastner and Elsa Toburen), food science students (Conrad Kabus, Elizabeth Weesner, Mostafa Taghavaei, Christine Rock, Macy Sherwin and Sarah Jones). A big thank you to John Wolf for the great meal provided, Tim Carson for his technical support and those who stayed late to help clean up and take down decorations. Dr. Kastner, congratulations on your retirement!