The Food Science Product Development Purple Passion team will be heading to San Juan, Puerto Rico to compete at the RCA Culinology® Pastry Competition March 14-17, 2017. The team members are: Kyle Phalen (graduate student), Austin Weber (sophomore), Erin Manville (freshman), and Kyle Johnson (junior), the students were supervised by Dr. Kelly Getty, Associate Professor in Food Science. The Purple Passion Team will be competing with their Puerto Rican Style Mango Rum Cake with Spice Mango Coulis. This quick dessert is a microwavable cake developed with traditional Puerto Rican pastry concepts.
At the RCA 2017 Culinology® Pastry Competition, the Purple Passion Team will have access to a kitchen space where they will prep and become familiar with the space and get ready for the actual competition day. The day of the competition, the team will have 1.75 hours to get their product ready for Judging evaluation. The criteria that the teams will be evaluated are:
Gold Standard Criteria: Flavor and Aroma, Texture, Ingredient Composition/Authenticity, Presentation,and Professionalism
Culinology® Match Test: Flavor and Aroma, Texture, Presentation, Overall Similarity to Gold Standard, Overall Similarity to Sell Sheet Photo, Easy and Accuracy of Preparation Instructions.
The Purple Passion Rum Cake with Spice Mango Coulis Label was created by one of our food science students, Conrad Kabus, Junior in Food Science and Student Video/Graphic Designer in the Food Science Institute. The K-State Food Science Product Development Purple Passion Team will be competing against 3 other schools. Congratulations to them and Good Luck at the Competition!