Kansas State University


Department of Geology

Promotions and Departure

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Brice Lacroix was successful this year in his bid for promotion. Dr. Brice Lacroix was promoted this year from Assistant to Associate Professor with tenure in recognition of his distinguished reputation in structural geology and outstanding record of contribution to the Department of Geology through teaching, research, and service. Brice Joined K-State in 2015, following a research fellowship at the University of Michigan. He is recognized by his colleagues for his strengths in field-based approaches, which he complements with an array of lab-based methodologies. Hi work on fluid-fault interactions is considered cutting edge and hi recent work on clumped isotope systems is described by hi colleagues as being at the forefront of his discipline. Dr. Lacroix has significantly expanded the analytical capabilities available to K-State students and faculty, having established the Structural Geology / Metamorphic Petrology research laboratory, which includes Raman spectrometry and fluid inclusion microthermomerty. He is also responsible for the department’s X-Ray diffraction (XRD) facility. His most recent acquisition for the department is an NSF-funded Axios automated multi-channels thin section scanner, which will establish K-State as a regional hub for the rapid production of virtual thin sections. The aim is to help geoscience faculty at K-State and other universities in the US to respond to the need for online delivery of courses that are microscopy based during the pandemic. Congratulations, Brice, and well done!

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