For me, it was pleasing to hear that some of you were wondering lately about the wonderland in which I am living since my retirement. In the narrowest sense, I can script my current state as a new liberation without any academic obligation lending to repeated falls of my life into conditions of hallucination that is often charged with wild imagination on finding rational solutions to a variety of my own intercepted visions. The following is a brief narrative of my parasol-life since I decamped from Thompson Hall to domicile into a hydrocarbon-healthcare-economy based habitat where I have found with blessings a micro-environment of previous Thompson-Hall residents (John, Daniel, Mike, and few occasional encounters during my attendance to AAPG meetings in Houston). They all are inspirational living links to my pre-retirement life. Hyponoia could come to a life in retirement, when it is compared to a life in academic cauldron. To this date since my retirement, I have escaped from a state of dull activity by finding ways to remain myself engaged in a few different cerebral activities. These include: reshaping my previous lines of thinking to provide more clarity than has been given till now to a number of enigmas related to oil-gas generations in sedimentary basins in the geological past; examining configurations of various metals in a selection of plants and animals as additional means of understanding metabolic activities of these living systems; exploring bio-lithological ways for the purpose of sequestration of carbon in deep oceans with the potential of stemming climate change threats from rising accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (At least I am happy being far away from Thompson Hall attraction by not being forced to do any snow removal task). It is the climate-change work that is holding me back from my making visible progress in the works I need to do in the other two areas. Solution to climate-change issues is being sought from implementation of operational schemes in open ocean areas. To comprehend all multiple connections in the complexly giant problem of climate change and many obstacles that could come on the way to reach the ultimate goal of stemming threats of climate change, collective energy from a team of different minds with different skills is essential. In such a situation, the progress is always slow. Devising a project of such a large-scale and complex in nature inherently takes a long time. We have been on this work for nearly ten years, frequently redrawing or reshaping our scheme as new lines of information and arguments continue to seep into the whole problem. Right now we see the possibility of having a document on this climate restoration scheme to be ready for publication (in a book form, or a journal article form, or both) before the year ends. I could only say from working on this climate restoration project that I have broadened the horizon of my own perspective on air-water-mineral-organic matter interactions in open-system conditions. Some of you have heard from me before regarding this broad perspective while discussing on the origin of oils, a glaring void that exists to this date in the literature on this subject. If all pieces go together well on our climate restoration project, you may hear again soon from this ex-resident of Thompson Hall.
Sam, congratulations (condolences?) on your retirement! Even your update for this newsletter has me scratching my head and pulling out my dictionary! You are truly a unique individual that I’m proud and glad to have worked under. Keep on being you!
Your long-lost and ill-equipped environmental geochem student (still practicing in the field though) – Dave Terry.
David : An immense elation sparked by hearing from you. Where are you now and what are you doing now? Give me a call at 785-341-1737, or send me your phone number at Regards, Sam