Kansas State University


LINK magazine

Professionally Refreshed – How to keep current throughout your career

By Rosanna Vail

Since its earliest days, professional development at Kansas State University has helped people rise and remain at the top of their fields. Now more than ever, professionals must stay actively engaged to improve skills and connections in an increasingly competitive workforce.

KTE5While new face-to-face and online noncredit programs and conferences launch each year through K-State, longstanding programs continue the university’s legacy of keeping professionals informed about emerging topics and skills for their industry. These opportunities — offered at the local, regional, national and international levels — span many disciplines.

Regional: Kansas Transportation Engineering Conference — 98 years
K-State’s earliest conference goes back nearly a century, highlighting applied research and best practices to address transportation engineering needs in Kansas.

National: Academic Chairpersons Conference — 33 years
This annual forum allows academic chairpersons, administrators and faculty in higher education to share successful, innovative ideas and strategies to become more effective in their positions.

International: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop — 17 years
International experts introduce participants to standard morphological, genetic and molecular biological techniques used to identify and characterize strains of Fusarium, a mold that causes plant diseases.

Five ways to stay professionally active

  1. Give a conference presentation.
    Find upcoming conferences and professional development opportunities you can attend through your current employer or in your local community. Resources may be available to help fund your travel, lodging and conference registration — especially if you are part of the conference program. Consider presenting as part of a panel of professionals rather than by yourself. If travel is not an option, explore webinar opportunities.
  2. AcaChair conference 3Join or lead professional organizations.
    Leadership takes many forms, including getting involved in professional organizations. Serving on executive boards or planning teams can be fulfilling, but so can joining an organization as a new member. Start by engaging in an organization’s discussion forum or attending meetings to glean resources and networking opportunities.
  3. Attend social activities in the community.
    Many community-based activities blend professional interests with casual social gatherings. Explore upcoming events through your local chamber of commerce, young professionals group or other networks. Collaborate with other professionals to organize an activity that fills a need in your area.
  4. Connect with LinkedIn groups.
    LinkedIn can help you build professional connections with people you know, want to know or with companies and associations. Keep your profile active by updating it with your professional accomplishments and activities. Endorse the skills of your LinkedIn connections to encourage them to endorse you, too.
  5. Volunteer.
    Give your time or talent by volunteering at a local nonprofit or nongovernmental organization. Not only is it a great addition to your resume, it also opens doors to meet new people with professional connections and similar interests in your community.

Find upcoming professional development options at conferences.k-state.edu.

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