The Graduate School team is excited to provide an update on the status of the collaborative space in Eisenhower for our graduate students. As of September 21st, graduate students and our university partners have begun using the attractive renovated space. Most rooms feature one or more pieces of art on loan from the following supporters: Ms. Teresa Schmidt, K-State Professor of Art, Mr. Marvin Gould, MFA and Mr. Nelson Smith, Bethany College Associate Professor of Art. Photos of the collaborative space can be viewed online.
The graduate students and the Graduate School team extends our appreciation to those who have supported the renovation of the collaborative space including the graduate student volunteers. We continue to seek financial support to purchase books, games and toys for the Parent Space and for paint and furnishings to renovate the remaining four offices and the hallways. The next time alumni are on campus, we invite you to visit the collaborative space on the third floor and the Graduate School offices in Eisenhower.
This e-newsletter shares information about all the exciting activities planned to support our graduate students’ ability to communicate their scholarly work to diverse audiences, successes of our graduate students and faculty, and academic opportunities K-State provides our Fulbright Scholars. We are pleased to collaborate with many on campus units and the Manhattan community to offer a variety of educational opportunities during Science Communication Week. Additional professional development workshops/seminars are available to our graduate students and postdocs are featured on the Graduate School website. Congratulations is extended to our award winning faculty and graduate students featured in the newsletter.
As you read this issue of the Graduate School e-newsletter, I hope you will reflect on your experiences as a graduate student and take time to thank your major professor and other mentors for making a difference in your career, to explore ways you can engage with your graduate program and the Graduate School, and to recruit more outstanding students. If anyone is interested in establishing a scholarship or contributing to travel awards for graduate students to present at national and international conferences, I would be pleased to visit with you!
Wishing each of you a wonderful fall season.