As we begin the spring semester, we reflect back to the success of our students who graduated in December and welcome the new graduate students. This issue of the newsletter features stories about graduation celebrations both on the Manhattan campus and at Ft. Leavenworth and highlights awards presented to outstanding faculty at commencement. We are proud of the achievements of our graduates and extend them congratulations and best wishes for continued success in their future.
The Graduate School team is preparing to welcome a special group of graduates back to campus on April 16-17th. The Graduate School is hosting an inaugural alumni reunion for graduates who completed their masters and doctoral degrees 25 and 50 years ago. Classes of 1965 and 1990 will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of tours, networking events with faculty and students, coffee at the President’s residence hosted by First Lady Noel Schulz, and celebrate with a reception and dinner. Please join us for this exciting event and share stories about your time at K-State and how your K-State experience influenced your career and personal successes.
The graduate programs are in the midst of admitting graduate students for the fall semester and making assistantship offers. K-State graduate programs are challenged to recruit the best applicants since the assistantship offers are not as competitive as many of our peers and aspiring peer institutions. We hope you will consider supporting scholarships, travel grants, and professional development workshops so our students can continue to have the same quality experience that our 1965 and 1990 graduates and you had during your graduate program.
Plan to visit K-State this year and learn about the exciting research and scholarly activities our graduate students are engaged. If you are in Manhattan or the area on March 31st, plan to visit with 110 graduate students who are presenting oral and poster presentations at the K-State Research Forum in the K-State Student Union. You will be impressed with the diversity of research and scholarly work being conducted by our graduate students and faculty.