Looking for reasons to come back to Manhattan and walk down memory lane — or to just wear purple again? Well, we can help with that. The Graduate School is offering graduate alumni the chance to reconnect with Kansas State University and your department.
Now, more so than ever, we need alumni to help support and enhance the graduate experience. Who better to ask to communicate the school’s values than graduate alumni? There are many ways to reconnect with the school and your program — here’s how:
Campus visit – The Graduate School is more than happy to provide you with a tour of campus and to show off all the construction that’s currently taking place. Want to learn what research is being conducted in your department and field? The school can connect you with faculty and staff from your department.
Professional meetings –We have opportunities available to interact with faculty, staff, and graduate students at department meetings throughout the academic year. These meetings are essential in maintaining a direct connection between graduate programs and the ever-changing global business world.
Mentoring programs – Do you have a lot of professional experience that may help benefit current students, but it’s all stuck in your head. Why not share your knowledge? K-State offers mentoring programs in various departments; we will set you up with the right program.
Alumni Reunion and social gatherings – In April 2015, we hosted the very first Graduate Alumni Reunion and it was a complete success (read alumni testimonials here). On April 8-9, 2016, the Graduate School will host the second annual Graduate Alumni Reunion. Campus tours, chances to reconnect with your department, and many other activities will be included during the reunion. Contact Kelsey Peterson for any questions.
K-State Football Iowa State Tailgate – Mark your calendars, because the Graduate School is hosting a Cat Town tailgate during the home football game against Iowa State on Saturday, November 21. What better way to connect with other graduate alumni than to enjoy some tasty food and cheer on the Wildcats? More information about the tailgate will be sent out soon. While you await that information, football tickets are on sale now and going fast — visit kstatesports.com for more information and to purchase tickets. Contact Kelsey Peterson for any questions.
Ready to re-connect? We are ready to hear from you. Please contact: Kelsey Peterson, marketing and communications coordinator with the Graduate School, at 785-532-3220 or by email at kp4048@ksu.edu.