Kansas State University


Graduate School

Alumni and friends event in Taiwan

Join fellow K-Staters in Taiwan for a K-State alumni and friends reception this summer.

The first event will be held in Taipai, Taiwan at 5:30 p.m. Sat., June 7, 2014.  For additional information, please contact Emily Wu, 058010@mail.fju.edu.tw.

The second event will be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan beginning at noon Sun., June 8, 2014. For additional information, please contact Allan Su, suallan51@gmail.com.

We hope to see you there!

Your support matters

Your commitment and support will be essential as we work together to enhance the scholarly experiences for our graduate students.  We hope you will consider how you might support these efforts by providing internship or research opportunities, serving as lecturers, contributing to scholarship and fellowship programs, serving on panels for professional development workshops and reconnecting with your mentor and/or department and sharing your success stories.  To explore ways to contribute to the graduate student experience, contact Tracy Robinson, development officer for the Graduate School, at (785) 532-7568 or tracyr@found.ksu.edu.