by T. Dickinson
In May 2016, we celebrated the success of the 2015-2016 graduating students. Graduate Certificates were earned by Chrischelle Borhani, Patricia Butler, Lyla P. Brooks, Kynsey Creel, Allen Mallory, Maria Ruiz, and Adena Weiser. A number of students completed majors in Women’s Studies, including Claire Tolentino, Emily Bond, Lisette Corbeille, Meaghan Kuzmich, Amanda Mosteller, Lexi Scoville, Allison Sowle and Hannah Atchison (fall 2016). Students with minors in Women’s Studies included Brady Armstrong, Roela Boci, Jasmine Davis, Jennifer Fox, Kathleen Lococo, McKenna Kelly, Paige Porter, Jennifer Smithies, Brianna S. Carrillo, Marcus Dominguez, Shaun A. Dowdell, Natasha Freeman, Lindsey N. Ford, Jacquelyn Forester (along with a minor in Queer Studies), Hannah Gray, Michelle Gralow, Richard Habeeb, America Martinez-Serrano, Mekahla Z. Peterson, LaTasha H. Pittmon, Lauren Pino, Mercedes T. Santiago, Toni A. Stock, Loren Taylor, Tyrone A.L. Tatum, Darrah Tinkler, Maya Tilmon, Sophia Tolentino, Carmen Tucker, Denisse Bernie Zambrini, Jacquelyn Zenger, and Haley Williams (fall 2016).
We also celebrated writing award winners and scholarship awardees. Riley Katz received the undergraduate writing award with the paper “Educational Outreach, Social Reform and Political Activism: Building a Transgender Movement.” Maria Ruiz received the graduate writing award with “Bargaining with Kyriarchy: Women in Religion Negotiate Feminism and Catholicism.” The Clarina Howard Nichols Scholarship winner was Laura Gunderson, and the Founders’ Scholarship in Academic Excellence in Women’s Studies was Lucia Duarte. We also showed our appreciation for the Undergraduate Ambassadors, the Advisory Council, and the faculty, including retiring faculty member, Torry Dickinson.
May 2015 graduating majors in Women’s Studies included Natasha Bailey, Anna Confer, Hanna S. Larson, and Marina Patrick. The following students completed a minor in Women’s Studies: Katie Benson, Whitney A. Bolton, Tara Brown, Elizabeth Davidson, Sierra Derusha, Kaitlyn Dewell, Kate Haddock, Anna Hinojos, Huxley Gay, Kyla M. Hyson, Haley A Goranson, Kelsey J. Johnson, Jessica M. Martin, Kate Poindexter, Ashley Quackenbush, Akilah D. Robinson, Laura C. Ryan, Lindsey N. Schmeidler, Nicole Sicely, Rebekah Smith, and Taylor Williams. Graduate Certificates were awarded to Megan Birdsey and Sierra Hale.
Two students shared the award for the 2015 Women’s Studies undergraduate writing competition. Lillian King Hagen’s paper was entitled “Oral History: A Mother’s Struggle with Feminism.” Kelly Serna’s was entitled “The Equal Right’s Amendment: A Modern Day Approach to Common Sense Equality.” The Founders’ Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Women’s Studies was Claire Tolentino and the Clarina Howard Nichols Scholarship went to Maria Klarissa Calvillo. We also celebrated the promotion and contribution of faculty members and recognized the leadership of Michele Janette, who completed her five year term as department head.