It is Harvey County Fair time! Since Friday, community members and 4-H families have gathered at the fair grounds for the 129th annual Harvey County Fair. The fair offers entertainment, educational exhibits, and delicious food. The five-day fair will come to an end on Tuesday, August 8th with a culminating event- the Champion Foods and Livestock Auction.
The 4-H auction is a traditional event at many county fairs. The auctioned items include the 4-H foods exhibits that have won “champion” of their class. Each 4-H or FFA member that exhibited livestock at the county fair is allowed to auction off one of their animals, permitting that the animal meets a minimum weight. The financial support given to 4-H and FFA members during the auction allows the youth to invest in their future and continue learning through project work.
Local supporters and businesses have traditionally shown their support of the 4-H and FFA programs by participating in the auction. Buyers can bid as a solo buyer or as an “add-on” buyer to contribute to group bid.
We appreciate the support that they Harvey County community has shown to our 4-H and FFA programs by attending and participating in our auction. We hope to see you at the 2017 Champion Foods and Livestock Auction on Tuesday, August 8th at 7:30 p.m.