This week’s column is about when to culture your tall fescue lawn. Before we get into that I would like to mention that we will accept applications for our Basic Master Gardener Training Course through Friday, September 8.
Tall Fescue Lawn Calendar
So you have a tall fescue lawn? Most of Harvey County has tall fescue lawns to take care of during the year of turf-type or the old K-31 Fescue. How do you take care of an established tall fescue lawn? The following is a schedule of proper timing to culture a tall fescue lawn at the right times of the year.
Turf-types: 2 to 3 inches. K-31: 2 1⁄2 to 3 1⁄2 inches. Raise height to the upper end of the range during the summer.
September, November, May.
Spring: minimal. Summer: 1 to 1 1⁄2 inches per week. Fall: only as needed to prevent wilting.
September or March through April, using 6 to 8 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet.
Herbicides are most effective in the fall.
Pre-emergence herbicide before redbud trees reach full bloom.
Treat May through July depending on when grubs are present.
Fall is a great time! Spring works for aerating as well.
What you may have noticed is between December and April there is no fertilizing recommended for tall fescue. Fertilizing at this time leads to more mowing, more watering and more chances of disease problems. Culturing tall fescue at the right time is better for the health of lawn!