Harvey County

Category: Horticulture

State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest

Here is a question for you!

What is the period of critical water need for beans or peas?

a) Flowering           b) head development      c)   pod enlargement   d)  root enlargement

This is one of the 4-H Horticulture judging question from the past weekend State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest! Continue reading “State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest”

Tomato Tasting Results

When I receive the test plot trial tomatoes to evaluate for Kansas State University I never know what to expect. We receive 6 plants each of 10 different varieties for a total of 60 tomato plants.  Half of these are grown in the Giving Garden in Newton and the other half are grown by a Harvey County Master Gardener.  We take data on these tomatoes as they are growing and send this information to KSU for their research records.  Our trial at the Giving Garden gives us the opportunity to test different varieties of tomatoes at the Harvey County Fair in what we call “Tomato Tasting Table”. Continue reading “Tomato Tasting Results”

Master Gardener Training Class Opens Enrollment

It’s coming!  You can be a pro or a novice, this program is for everyone.  Are you interested in learning about landscaping trees, turf, flowers, vegetables, or growing etc.  Are you interested in volunteering?  K-State Research and Extension-Harvey County is accepting applications for the fall 2017 Basic Master Gardener class.  Continue reading “Master Gardener Training Class Opens Enrollment”

Squash and Pumpkin Pests

Squash and pumpkin are typical targets for this pest!  If you plant them they will come!

Squash bugs are ‘true bugs’ which utilize their piercing sucking mouthparts to remove plant juices. Squash bugs generally occur on well-established plants (as opposed to being a pest of seedling plants). Continue reading “Squash and Pumpkin Pests”

Peony Problems

Don’t forget the Harvey County Fair begins on August 4th! Flower, Garden and crop exhibits may be entered on Saturday August 5th from 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Contact the extension office to register for an exhibitor number by calling 284-6930. If you registered last year you will be using that number again. Bring your best and see how it stands up to the rest! Continue reading “Peony Problems”

Water, Water , Water!

Take pride in your vegetable garden for all of the hard work you put into it.  Some of this work is keeping it irrigated sufficiently to produce fresh vegetables all summer long.  As my kids are finding out, daddy doesn’t like to waste water!  Here are some practices to help you reduce your water usage and still raise a vegetable garden:

Ten Ways to Improve Garden Water Use: Continue reading “Water, Water , Water!”