They seem to come in an array of color. Blister beetles are notorious for quickly stripping vegetables (especially tomatoes) and ornamentals of their foliage. There are several species of blister beetles which vary in size (often between 0.5-0.75 inch long) and color (such as black, gray or brown-striped), but most are recognized by their elongated, narrow, cylindrical, soft bodies with middle body part (thorax) narrower than the head or wing-covers. Continue reading “Blister Beetles”
Category: Horticulture
Hosta Plants
One of my favorite perennial plants is the Hosta. Hostas are the No. 1 shade plant grown in Kansas. With 4,200 hybrid varieties, the selection is tremendous.
These varieties include an array of heights and widths ranging from 12 to 48 inches with multiple leaf shapes and many shades of green, blue, gold and variegated. The plants are native to woodland areas in Asia. Continue reading “Hosta Plants”
Weeds in Lawn?
If you have weeds in your lawn there are many reasons why! The following list are common problems lawn owners can have in Kansas:
Improper mowing.
Mowing too low and too infrequently thins the turf, allowing weeds to get started. Continue reading “Weeds in Lawn?”
Blossom End Rot
Being first isn’t always a good thing! Blossom end rot is easily recognized by the flat, leathery area on the blossom end of the fruit opposite the stem end. This condition is often first seen when the fruit is about half grown and continues as it matures. This is not a disease but a non-parasitic disorder that is most common on tomatoes. Blossom end rot is the result of a calcium deficiency in the blossom end of the fruit. Continue reading “Blossom End Rot”
Too Late to Plant Tomatoes?
It is not too late to plant tomatoes in the garden! Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable
grown in Kansas gardens. They are easy to grow, productive in small garden areas, and used in a wide variety of ways. There are about 4,000 varieties of tomatoes to choose from, so you can pick your favorite by experimenting with any you want! Big to small, green to purple, even black varieties. So have fun!
Tomatoes require a location that is fairly fertile, well-drained, and sunny, getting at least a half day of sun or more. Smaller vine tomatoes can be grown in containers. Continue reading “Too Late to Plant Tomatoes?”
Checklist of Good Gardening Practices

The vegetable plants are flying off the shelves at garden centers everywhere! It is great and fun to grow your own vegetables! Keeping up with a garden is another matter all in itself! The following is a list of good gardening practices to make your garden even better.
Create a “healthy” soil. In the rush to plant, this important step is often overlooked, yet it can make the difference between a productive and a so-so garden. Many insects are attracted to stressed plants. Continue reading “Checklist of Good Gardening Practices”
If you have ever seen them when small you have to admit they are kind of cute! Those little camouflage bags are hard to see but if you do they are unique in the insect world! Bagworm can be found on numerous trees and shrubs but especially junipers and arborvitae. Continue reading “Bagworms”