Harvey County

Category: Horticulture

Harvey County Farmer’s Market

Fresh vegetables and fruit are almost in season!  Farmer’s Markets across the state are opening now!

The Harvey County Farmers’ Market begins May 20 and will be open from 8:00 AM until noon on Saturday’s until October!  Our market meets in the parking lot ½ block East of 6th and Main in Newton.  As you know vegetables and fruit ripen “seasonally” so you will only be able to find those items that are ready to sell now.  Continue reading “Harvey County Farmer’s Market”

Peach Trees

A hot topic problem at the moment is happening to peach trees!

Peach leaf curl is one of the most common diseases of peach in the state. Symptoms first appear in early spring on expanding foliage. Young, infected leaves become thickened and distorted along the midrib and take on a red to purplish hue. Later, as the fungus begins to produce spores, the leaf surface appears silvery or gray. Diseased leaves eventually die and fall off the tree. These leaves are replaced by a second growth of foliage, which rarely is infected by the fungus. Continue reading “Peach Trees”

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

April showers bring May flowers!  Yes this is true but it also brings other unwanted plants as well.  With rain and/or irrigation we take the good with the bad.  I have already seen this particular weed coming up for some time now this spring.  Yellow nutsedge is one of these unwanted weeds!

Continue reading “April Showers Bring May Flowers!”

Pine Problems

A healthy pine is a thing of beauty!  If you have one or several consider yourself lucky.  Pine trees have lots of problems that can arise in the Kansas Climate. Dothistroma needle blight is a common and serious disease of Austrian and Ponderosa pines planted for windbreak and ornamental purposes. Mugo pine is also susceptible to the disease, but Scots pine is considered resistant. The disease causes premature dropping of pine needles the year following infection. Continue reading “Pine Problems”

Buffalograss Isn’t Tall Fescue!

Back to the topic of turf chores.  We know that fescue is probably the most used turfgrass in Harvey County.  It has the longest green season, tolerates shade and looks nice when mowed.  It is a cool season grass that likes cooler weather and that is when it starts to green up.  Another grass that is tough to beat is buffalograss. Continue reading “Buffalograss Isn’t Tall Fescue!”

Weed Control

Some of the best low impact exercise can be attained by gardening.  Weed control is one of the gardening activities that helps get steps in and makes the garden look better too!  One of these weeds is bindweed.

Field bindweed is difficult to control, especially for homeowners, but there are options.

Home Vegetable Gardens: Weed control requires taking the treated portion of the garden out of production for a time. Continue reading “Weed Control”

Chores of Owning a Lawn

Oh the chores of owning a lawn!  Most homeowners in Harvey County have tall fescue lawns.  Fescue differs from buffalograss or Bermundagrass in that is grows best in the cool season of the year, thus it is known as a cool-season grass (along with perennial ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass) and stays greener for a longer period of time.  Culturing it otherwise invites weed, disease and insect issues.  The following is a calendar for turf-type tall fescue. Continue reading “Chores of Owning a Lawn”