Harvey County

Category: Nutrition & Family Finance

How to Store Documents

Most households accumulate papers and records that are important to them but many people do not know the best way to store them. There are two common types of household record storage: at home and a safe deposit box.

At Home:

Most of your records will be kept at home. Paper documentation remains the comfortable choice for many people. If you store information electronically, it is important to ensure that your laptop or external hard drive is secure.  The Federal Trade Commission has additional information on security.

Many people receive bank and billing statements via email. The email will provide a link to your password protected online account. If you chose to go paperless in this way, be certain you download the documents to your computer or to a flash drive so you have a copy of them. Continue reading “How to Store Documents”

Scam Season

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Hello Scam Season! After all, it is the season for giving! Although consumer scams occur throughout the year, the holiday season provides fertile ground for scammers to target unknowing consumers.

Knowing about the potential of scams is important to your personal financial well-being, but reporting the scams also helps organizations like the Better Business Bureau, and Federal Trade Commission track scammers and catch them for the purpose of prosecution. Continue reading “Scam Season”

Flu Season

This is a great time of year. Many different types of seasons; Christmas Season, Thanksgiving Season, Giving Season and most importantly it is Flu Season! No one wants to get sick and this time of year it is the easiest way to get sick. We all get together with family and friends to celebrate the holidays with good food, but we also forget that we are passing germs and can make each other sick by simply hanging out with each other.

Handwashing is easy to do and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of many types of infection and illness in all settings.

When should you wash your hands?

– Before, during and after preparing food

– Before eating food

– Before and after caring for someone who is sick

– After using the bathroom

– After changing diapers or cleaning up a child

– After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing

– After touching an animal, animal feed or animal waste

– After touching the garbage

Do you wash your hands after doing any or all of the above? I know I forget sometimes, especially after taking out the trash! But if you start practicing this, it will become a habit and help prevent your family and friends from getting sick!

What if you don’t have soap and water available? Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Remember to keep your friends, family and yourself from getting sick this Flu Season… wash your hands!

Medicare Part D Open Enrollment

Have you reviewed your options for Medicare Part D? Do you understand how to navigate the Medicare website? Do you get confused just looking at all the information it gives you? You are in luck! We have trained volunteers here at the Extension Office, and many locations throughout the county, ready to help you!

Open Enrollment has officially started and will last until December 7th this year. All drug plans will then take effect January 1st. Now some people think, “I do not need to review my options, I like my plan and I will stick with it.” What if I could tell you that by making an appointment and reviewing your options you might be able to save anywhere from $25 to $130 dollars or more! (All savings depend on what plan you were on, what plan you switch to and what medication you are taking. Everyone’s savings are different.) Continue reading “Medicare Part D Open Enrollment”

How Companies Get Your Money

It’s that time of year when it starts to get cooler and the fall/winter fashions come back in style. I love this time of year. My wallet however does not love this time of year. If you are anything like me, I love to spend money on clothes and shoes for the fall and winter styles. I always want to keep up with the trends and sometimes it gets me in trouble with my husband’s and I’s budget.

Companies know that they can get suckers like me to purchase things by the way they advertise their new fashions. As consumers we are constantly being pestered by outside forces to try and get us to spend money. Have you searched for a certain type of article of clothing and then noticed your Facebook ads all of a sudden match what you searched? For example, I am on the hunt for a winter dress for a wedding in February, and now my Facebook ads are all about dresses. Companies will pay money to know what you have been searching to then in return have that ad show up on your Facebook. Continue reading “How Companies Get Your Money”

Teens and Domestic Violence

Did you know violent behavior usually starts between the ages of 12 and 18? That means more and more teens are experiencing dating violence from their partner. This is not a good thing because it affects teens greatly; not just short-term but also long-term.

Between the ages of 12 and 18 teens are going through body changes while maturing, dealing with mood swings, social issues, school, their family, learning who they are as a person, and much more. These are all important parts of growing up and when a teen is traumatized their development is affected greatly.

For example if a teen is abused by their partner they can start to participate in risky behaviors. Risky behaviors could include but are not limited to drugs, tobacco use, alcohol, sex, and skipping school. Along with these risky behaviors teens can develop symptoms of depression and anxiety, become antisocial and stay home where they feel safe. Lastly they can have suicidal thoughts.

Can you imagine having to worry about school, friends, body changes and then add on having social anxiety and suicidal thoughts; while being a teenager? That is why it is very traumatizing and tough on teens when they are victims of dating violence.

How do we prevent our teens from this? Well, we talk about it with teens; talk about it in general. Domestic violence is still a taboo topic in today’s society, but if we step out of our comfort zones and talk about it, we can help prevent our teens from being in a situation that involves dating violence and prevent future abusers from abusing their partners.

Places in Harvey County that will help you:

HVCO Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Taskforce: 1-800-487-0510
Safe Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: 316-283-0350
Agape Resource Center (food pantry & clothing closet): 316-283-1600
Salvation Army: 316-283-3190
New Jerusalem Missions: 316-282-2101
Harvey County Homeless Shelter: 316-283-7711
Health Ministries Clinic: 316-283-6103
Offender Victim Ministries: 316-283-2038
Harvey County Health Department: 316-283-1937


Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment will officially start October 15 and will last until December 7 this year. All drug plans will then take effect January 1. Now some people think, “I do not need to review my options, I like my plan and I will stick with it.” What if I could tell you that by making an appointment, starting in October, and reviewing your options you might be able to save anywhere from $25 to $130 dollars or more! (All savings depend on what plan you were on, what plan you switch to and what medication you are taking. Everyone’s savings are different) Continue reading “Open Enrollment”