Harvey County

Category: Nutrition & Family Finance

Keeping Your Pets Safe

With the severe weather this week, did you have an emergency plan in case something went wrong? Most people have their go to bag, or list that they pack up in case something happens to their home. For example you might have an extra pair of clothes, money, important documents and anything of value to you. What about your pets? Do you have their important items on your list?

If you do great! If not, I am sure there will another severe weather storm this summer for you to prepare for. These are the items you might want to keep your pet safe and to prepare in case something does happen to your home.


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Healthier Life Style

I did a training this week where we talked about how to get individuals to make healthier choices. Is it best to teach them all these new things at once and have them do all these changes at once? Or is it best to try and do one change at a time? What do you think?

Have you ever tried to eat healthier and work out more? What usually happens? Continue reading “Healthier Life Style”

National Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month. This is serious business, and not just for the fair and freckled among us. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), on average, one American dies from melanoma every hour. And, melanoma incidence is increasing faster in females age 15-29 than in males of the same age group. Those are sobering statistics, but the good news is that the five-year survival rate for melanoma when detected and treated in its early stages is 98%.
Continue reading “National Skin Cancer Awareness Month”

Advanced Health Care Planning in Kansas

Do you worry about the medical care you would receive if you became ill and were unable to speak for yourself? By stating your health care preferences in writing before a health crisis occurs, you can ensure that you will receive the type or degree of care that you want. There are many different and unique documents to help you plan for your future. Fortunate for you I will be having a class on May 25th 7:00-8:00 pm in the basement of the Courthouse.  I will be able to walk you through the process and help you better understand the process. Continue reading “Advanced Health Care Planning in Kansas”

Mental Health of Teens

Mental Health seems to be in the news a lot lately, well that is because it is Mental Health Awareness month. It is more common than we think, yet we never talk about it. What is more common than we think is teen’s mental health and how it goes unrecognized.

A teenager’s brain is complicated due to them developing. Continue reading “Mental Health of Teens”