Harvey County

Category: Nutrition & Family Finance

Keys to Embracing Aging – Brain Activity

The brain allows you to interact with the world, understand and respond to carious surroundings. It is important to have a healthy brain to survive, grow and have everyday successes. How do you stay mentally fit? I have a few tips on how to keep your brain fit!

Socializing will help you critically think, be creative, and express your emotions in a healthy way. To do this, keep in touch with friends, get involved at church, by volunteering, or joining a group that meeting weekly/daily. Other ways is to get to know your neighbors and utilize the internet! Continue reading “Keys to Embracing Aging – Brain Activity”

Walk Kansas 2017

Walk Kansas Starts March 19th and runs until May 13th this year! We have lots a great prizes like a Fitbit and activities to get your moving. We will be sending out our local weekly events and rules for the prizes here soon, so be looking for them!

How Walk Kansas Works:

Teams of 6, with a captain, log minutes of activity for 8 weeks. Each team selects one of three challenges they will collectively work towards. In order to accomplish the challenge, each person will have a personal goal. In addition to physical activity, participants will report the amount of fruits/vegetables they eat. Program participants will receive weekly newsletters and motivational messages that focus on healthful lifestyle habits. Some local Walk Kansas programs offer classes, group activities, kick-off and celebration events, and more. Go to www.walkkansas.org to find your local Extension Office and learn about Walk Kansas in your community.

Continue reading “Walk Kansas 2017”

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and in honor of that, I thought I would talk about teens and dating relationships.

Teens are starting to have dating relationships sooner rather than later and we as adults need to teach them how to show respect in a relationship and treat each other in a healthy way.

So what is a healthy relationship when it comes to a teen?

Continue reading “Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month”