This past summer, my husband and I went on vacation to Kentucky. We decided to try to take our dog, Brie with us. We had never traveled very far with our dog, so we made sure to do some extra planning to find dog friendly camp grounds and even restaurants. Brie traveled well and it ended up being a great trip! I am looking forward to the next vacation we get to take our four legged friend on. A few of our Harvey County 4-H’ers will be doing just that next weekend at the Kansas 4-H Dog Conference!
The Kansas 4-H Dog Conference and Quiz Bowl will be October 21-22 at Rock Springs 4-H Center. The theme is “Dogs ‘Я’ Game.” Three Harvey County 4-H’ers and an adult sponsor will be attending, and so will their dogs! Conference attendees, those with two legs and four, will get to stay in one of the cottages at Rock Springs 4-H Center.
The conference will have a special “Minute to 4-H It” contest, a Dogopoly Hunt, dog skill-a-thon, quiz bowl, plus s’mores and much more. Youth will learn how quiz bowls work in a fun environment with lots of hands-on activities to teach new dog skills.
Harvey County 4-H’ers attending will get to choose from several educational sessions including Freestyle Dog Dancing, Obedience Training Games, Leather Dog Collar Stamping, and Creepy Crawlies that Can Hurt your Dog.
These conference attendees and their dogs have been working hard this year in the Harvey County 4-H Dog Care and Training program with the support of the County Volunteer Leader, Anna Schurter. Anna works with the entire group of 4-H Dog program participants and their animals weekly, helping to establish training techniques for dogs and owners with all levels of experience. The Harvey County 4-H Dog Care and Training project is open to all youth ages 5-18 who enroll in Harvey County 4-H. Members have the opportunity to work with their dogs weekly, participate in a county spring and summer dog show, qualify to compete at the State Fair dog show, and attend the Kansas 4-H Dog Conference in October.