Harvey County

Controlling Marestail in Soybean Stubble

The most effective marestail control program should start with fall treatments, especially in fields with a history of marestail problems or fields that we can see now with adult plants setting seed. A number of different herbicides can be applied in the fall for marestail control ahead of soybeans, such as 2,4-D, dicamba, Clarity, Sharpen, Canopy EX, Autumn Super, or Valor XLT. The addition of glyphosate helps control grasses and other broadleaf weeds, and can even help on glyphosate-resistant marestail.

Herbicide effectiveness on marestail depends largely on the stage of growth and size of the plants. Marestail generally is most susceptible to herbicides when it is small and still in the rosette stage of growth. Once marestail starts to bolt and exceed 4 to 6 inches tall, it becomes very difficult to kill with most herbicides. Since marestail can germinate throughout much of the year, a single herbicide application probably will not provide season-long control, particularly in no-till.

Fall applications can be effective even into December as long as applications are made to actively growing weeds during a stretch of mild temperatures. In fact, for fall applications, it may be better to wait until November to allow most of the fall-germinating winter annuals to emerge. A residual herbicide such as metribuzin-, Valor- or Classic-containing products (unless the marestail is ALS resistant) can be added to help control marestail through winter and early spring. But don’t expect a residual herbicide applied in the fall to provide good residual weed control through the spring and summer of the next year. If a fall treatment isn’t made, early spring treatments in March to early April should be applied to help control fall-germinated marestail.


These days it seems like we are seeing more couples ending their relationship than staying together. There can be many reasons for that decision, but one of the main problems is communication between the couple. Communication can help you become closer with your partner and make your partner seem like your best friend. Continue reading “Communication”

Factors That Influence Hessian Fly Fall Infestations

Which wheat fields are most likely to be infested with Hessian fly in the fall? It depends on residue management, variety, planting date, the presence of nearby volunteer wheat, the use of insecticide seed treatments, and crop rotation. Continue reading “Factors That Influence Hessian Fly Fall Infestations”

Teen Leadership Groups

What is your definition of a leader? Harvey County 4-H gives youth a unique opportunity to discover what leadership means to them. Youth ages 13-18 have the opportunity to be a part of two leadership based 4-H groups in Harvey County, Junior Leaders and 4-H Ambassadors. Continue reading “Teen Leadership Groups”

September 2017 Newsletter

The 4-H September newsletter is out!

Please make sure to read it. It is full of very important information and deadlines!

We also have information about Pin and Scholarship Applications and how YOU can get involved!

Find it here: http://www.harvey.k-state.edu/4-h/newsletters_4h/September%2017.pdf