Harvey County

Terraces Evaluations

Coming into spring is a good time to evaluate and perform maintenance on terraces if fields are in wheat stubble, especially since it has been dry lately this year. In Kansas, over 9 million acres of land is protected by more than 290,000 miles of terraces, making Kansas No. 2 in the U.S. for this soil and water conservation practice. To accomplish their purpose for erosion control and water savings, terraces must have adequate capacity, ridge height and channel width. Continue reading “Terraces Evaluations”

Master Gardener Training Class Opens Enrollment

It’s coming!  You can be a pro or a novice, this program is for everyone.  Are you interested in learning about landscaping trees, turf, flowers, vegetables, or growing etc.  Are you interested in volunteering?  K-State Research and Extension-Harvey County is accepting applications for the fall 2017 Basic Master Gardener class.  Continue reading “Master Gardener Training Class Opens Enrollment”

Champion Pie

Our 2017 Fair is over, and I would say we had a pretty great Fair! As usual I will be posting some of the Champion 4-H Winning Recipes. This week’s recipe comes from Marissa Hurst. Marissa is in the Lucky 13 club and participates in many other 4-H projects like Beef, Goat and Buymanship. Continue reading “Champion Pie”

End of the 2017 Harvey County Fair

The 2017 Harvey County Fair has come to an end. As an Extension Agent, the fair brings months of planning and organizing for the five-day event.

Saturday is one of the busiest days of the fair. The majority of 4-H and Open class exhibits are checked in and judged on that day. This year, Saturday at the fair began before 7:00 AM and Continue reading “End of the 2017 Harvey County Fair”

Harvey County Free Fair

I encourage everyone to come out to the Harvey county fair this August 4-8. There will be things for the whole family to enjoy. The popular night attractions are the rodeo, carnival, bull blow out and demolition derby. On Friday August 4th, the 127th annual Harvey County Fair will start. Continue reading “Harvey County Free Fair”

Squash and Pumpkin Pests

Squash and pumpkin are typical targets for this pest!  If you plant them they will come!

Squash bugs are ‘true bugs’ which utilize their piercing sucking mouthparts to remove plant juices. Squash bugs generally occur on well-established plants (as opposed to being a pest of seedling plants). Continue reading “Squash and Pumpkin Pests”