The heat experienced in Kansas recently can cause problems for all summer row crops. With corn, the latest Crop Progress and Conditions Report from USDA-NASS, July 10, 2017, shows that the crop has already reached more than 40% silking, except in the western districts. At this point, high heat could have an impact on abortion of early-formed grains and also abort more susceptible kernels already formed in the tip of the corn ears. Continue reading “Row Crop Heat Stress”
Peony Problems
Don’t forget the Harvey County Fair begins on August 4th! Flower, Garden and crop exhibits may be entered on Saturday August 5th from 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Contact the extension office to register for an exhibitor number by calling 284-6930. If you registered last year you will be using that number again. Bring your best and see how it stands up to the rest! Continue reading “Peony Problems”
Who Will Kiss the Goat??
4-H Supporter’s Picnic
Temperatures are rising and our 4-H calendars are filling up now that the County Fair is only three weeks away. Our 4-H members are putting the finishing touches on projects that they have created this year and working with their livestock daily to get them ready to show. The County Fair is a time for 4-H’ers to showcase their experiences and demonstrate mastery of a subject. We know that these experiences would not be possible without the help of community volunteers and 4-H supporters. Continue reading “4-H Supporter’s Picnic”
Water, Water , Water!
Take pride in your vegetable garden for all of the hard work you put into it. Some of this work is keeping it irrigated sufficiently to produce fresh vegetables all summer long. As my kids are finding out, daddy doesn’t like to waste water! Here are some practices to help you reduce your water usage and still raise a vegetable garden:
Ten Ways to Improve Garden Water Use: Continue reading “Water, Water , Water!”
Sugarcane Aphid
The sugarcane aphid (SCA) has not been found as of yet on sorghum in Kansas. There have been a few reports of the sugarcane aphid in Oklahoma and Texas. What can we expect this season? It’s impossible to know for sure at this time, but in 2016, sugarcane aphids were a significant problem on grain sorghum in Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and most southern states. Continue reading “Sugarcane Aphid”
Importance of Water
Are you thirsty? Chances are you aren’t but your body really is. Water loss develops quickly if you are working outside; and with this heat, it can happen quickly too. Take a minute and weigh yourself before and activity and at the end. For every pound lost, two cups of fluid should be consumed to replace the water you lost before your activity. Continue reading “Importance of Water”