3, 2, 1, liftoff! This weekend is the 4-H rocket launch at Bruce and Lori Jolliff’s farm. Harvey County 4-H’ers who are enrolled in the 4-H Space Tech: Rocketry project have been working hard this summer to build a rocket for the launch. Continue reading “Liftoff!”
Operation Red File
What would happen when if you went down in your home and became unconscious? When the EMS or Firefighters show up would they know you have a DNR, the medication you take, or your emergency contacts? My answer is no, and yours might be no also. Continue reading “Operation Red File”
Blister Beetles
They seem to come in an array of color. Blister beetles are notorious for quickly stripping vegetables (especially tomatoes) and ornamentals of their foliage. There are several species of blister beetles which vary in size (often between 0.5-0.75 inch long) and color (such as black, gray or brown-striped), but most are recognized by their elongated, narrow, cylindrical, soft bodies with middle body part (thorax) narrower than the head or wing-covers. Continue reading “Blister Beetles”
Fertilizing Soybeans
Compared to corn, wheat, and sorghum, soybeans remove significant amounts of nutrients per bushel of grain harvested. Nutrient uptake in soybeans early in the season is relatively small. However, as they grow and develop, the daily rate of nutrient uptake increases. Soybeans need an adequate nutrient supply at each developmental stage for optimum growth. High-yielding soybeans remove substantial nutrients from the soil. This should be taken into account in an overall nutrient management plan. A 40-bushel-per-acre soybean crop removes approximately 30 pounds of P2O5 and 50 pounds of K2O with the grain; in addition, approximately 10 pounds of P2O5 and 40 pounds of K2O can be removed with the stover. Continue reading “Fertilizing Soybeans”
Hosta Plants
One of my favorite perennial plants is the Hosta. Hostas are the No. 1 shade plant grown in Kansas. With 4,200 hybrid varieties, the selection is tremendous.
These varieties include an array of heights and widths ranging from 12 to 48 inches with multiple leaf shapes and many shades of green, blue, gold and variegated. The plants are native to woodland areas in Asia. Continue reading “Hosta Plants”
Wheat Streak Mosaic
The severe problems wheat producers had with wheat streak mosaic virus this year can be traced back in most cases to a lack of control of volunteer wheat – especially the volunteer wheat that got started early after widespread hail damage to wheat just before harvest in 2016. It is important to keep that from happening again. Where wheat has been hailed out this year, volunteer wheat control should start immediately. Continue reading “Wheat Streak Mosaic”
4-H Citizenship Project
In a few days we will celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July. With barbeques, parades, and firework shows we celebrate and take pride in our country. This patriotic celebration brings to mind a 4-H project that teaches youth about countries, cultures, communities and themselves: the 4-H citizenship project. Continue reading “4-H Citizenship Project”