Harvey County

Sericea Lespedeza Pasture Control

Sericea lespedeza continues to be a major concern on rangeland, pasture, and some CRP acres in Kansas. It is a statewide noxious weed in Kansas and therefore needs to be controlled. Sericea lespedeza has a tremendous seed bank that helps reestablish stands.

There are no known biological controls that can be effectively used on sericea lespedeza. However, grazing with goats can suppress sericea lespedeza stands and produce a saleable product. It takes 4 to 5 goats per acre (of sericea) to graze the plant heavily enough to eliminate seed production. Cattle supplemented with corn steep liquor (CSL) have been shown to consume more sericea lespedeza than animals not supplemented with CSL. Current studies are underway to determine the impact of late summer grazing by sheep on sericea lespedeza. Continue reading “Sericea Lespedeza Pasture Control”

Organic Matter in your Lawn/Garden

“Where Buffalo Roam” is part of the history of the Kansas prairie.  It is also the title of one of the speaker topics at the Harvey County Home and Garden Show this Sunday at 1:00 pm.  Buffalo grass is my favorite lawn grass.  If you would like to learn how to have a buffalo grass lawn this would be a great program to attend.  Admission is free for kids 12 and under, while attendees 13 and over is just a dollar.

I am a believer in organic matter!  If you only do one thing to improve your lawn or garden areas you should work in organic matter.  Organic matter is a good way to improve garden soil as it improves a heavy soil by bettering tilth, aeration and how quickly the soil absorbs water.

However, organic matter added in the spring should be well decomposed and finely shredded/ground. Manures and compost should have a good earthy smell without a hint of ammonia. Add a 2-inch layer of organic matter to the surface of the soil and work the materials into the soil thoroughly. Be sure soils are dry enough to work before tilling as wet soils will produce clods.

To determine if a soil is too wet to work, grab a handful and squeeze. If water comes out, it is much too wet. Even if no water drips out, it still may not be dry enough to work. Push a finger into the soil you squeezed. If it crumbles, it is dry enough, but if your finger just leaves an indentation, more time is needed. Be sure to take your handfuls of soil from the depth you plan to work the soil because deeper soils may contain more moisture than the surface.

Food Stand Manager Wanted

Do you have an interest in teaching children about food safety and handling skills? Are you an organized person? Do you like to plan meals? Then we have the job for you!

We are looking for a Food Stand Manager during the Harvey County Fair. This is a seasonal job that would plan the meals during our fair. Our fair is August 2nd through the 6th this year.

Job duties would include, planning the menu, working with agent, shopping for supplies, and being available during hours of operation.

This is a great opportunity to work with 4-Her’s and teach them how to manage money, safe food handling skills and food safety skills. If you love to work with children, then this is the opportunity for you.

If you are interested, you can find the application at www.harvey.ksu.edu/4-h or email Anne Pitts at aelpers@ksu.edu

Potato Planting

There are two great events going on this time of year!  Potato planting time and the Harvey County Home and Garden Show!  The Show is March 10 and 11 this year at the Armory in Newton.

My favorite varieties of potato to plant are ‘Red Norland’ and ‘Yukon Gold’.  Each will produce the early “new potato” my family likes to eat with a roast at my house.  Also, these two can produce larger potatoes for baked or mashed.  But the real reason is they just taste great!

Traditionally, we use St. Patrick’s Day as a date to target for potato planting.

Actually, any time from mid- to late-March is fine for potato planting. Be sure to buy seed potatoes rather than using those bought for cooking. Seed potatoes are certified disease free and have plenty of starch to sprout as quickly as soil temperatures allow. Most seed potatoes can be cut into four pieces, though large potatoes may yield more, and small less. Each seed piece should be between 1.5 and 2 ounces. Seed pieces this size will have more than one eye.

Each pound of potatoes should yield 8 to10 seed pieces. Cut the seed 2 to 3 days before planting so freshly cut surfaces have a chance to suberize, or toughen, and form a protective coating.  Storing seed in a warm location during suberization will speed the process. Plant each seed piece about 1 to 2 inches deep and 8 to 12 inches apart in rows. Though it is important to plant potatoes in March, emergence is slow. It is often mid- to late-April before new plants poke their way through the soil. As the potatoes grow, pull soil up to the base of the plants. New potatoes are borne above the planted seed piece, and it is important to keep sunlight from hitting the new potatoes. Exposed potatoes will turn green and produce a poisonous substance called solanine. Keeping the potatoes covered will prevent this.

Covering Your Acres Now Available Online

Did you miss out on attending the Cover Your Acres winter conference this year? Videos of the presentations given at the 2018 Cover Your Acres Winter Conference are being added to the new “Cover Your Acres” YouTube channel.

The first presentation has been added, and very timely as producers need to be making residual herbicide decisions this spring, is the talk on weed management strategies by Curtis Thompson.  This presentation features the latest weed control information available for the Central Plains.

Also available is a discussion of observations across farms of the High Plains on the role of crop rotation intensification on profitability, input use, and soil health. This work, presented by Meagan Schipanski of Colorado State University, provides a glimpse into how rotation decisions translate into long-term effects.

You can access the videos at www.northwest.ksu.edu/CYAvideos and be sure to follow our YouTube channel.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness

February was Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and in honor of that, I thought I would talk about teens and dating relationships.

Teens are starting to have dating relationships sooner rather than later and we as adults need to teach them how to show respect in a relationship and treat each other in a healthy way.

So what is a healthy relationship when it comes to a teen? It looks similar to an adult healthy relationship, but with a lot more respect. Teens are at a vulnerable age where they are trying to figure themselves out and to do that they will try anything! They will try every sport, music trend, fashion trend, driving fast, talking back, etc. They are learning what they like, what they don’t like and what they really hate during their teenage years. When it comes to a dating relationship, teens need to trust their partners and respect their partner’s decisions if it doesn’t match their own.

We as adults need to teach them how to speak up for what they want, how to compromise with their dating partner, how to be supportive, and how to respect their partner’s privacy. The last one is a major one. Teens can become infatuated when in a dating relationship and can forget that their dating partner needs space sometimes. I know my husband needs space from me sometimes, but the difference is that I do not have a teenage brain anymore and I understand that is normal. Sometimes teens do not understand that and will constantly text their dating partner.

How can we teach teens these important dating “rules”? By talking to them and demonstrating it in our relationships. Teens watch us every day and mimic what we do, so we need to pay attention to what we are teaching our future generations.