Harvey County

Tag: 4-H

How 4-H Camps Help Kids


The last two weeks have been fun, long, hot and tiring. Why has it been long, hot, and fun? Well, I have been at several different camps for our 4-H’ers.

The first camp I went to was Discovery Days. During Discovery Days, older 4-Hers get to live in the dorms. That means they sleep and eat in the dorms on the KSU campus. Then they get to sign up for classes and attend them across campus throughout the days they are there. This camp gives a 4-Her a great opportunity to see what college is like. They get to find their way around a place they have never been, they have to be on time and they get to learn about themselves in this process.

The other camp, I went to was 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch. These kids learn a lot! This might be the first time they are away from home. They learn how to make new friends and they try new skills like archery, about bees, or soil conservation. These 4-Hers are counseled by an older 4-Her and the older 4-Her learns how to manage children, and be responsible.

4-H camps are a great way for kids to learn about themselves and learn skills they might never learn at home. It gives them a chance to learn many new things away from their normal lives and experience opportunities they might have never had a chance to do. Camps are wonderful to help grow our children into responsible young adults and then into the adults we want them to be.

Kansas State Fair Agriculture Challenge

Agriculture is an important piece of our past and a critical part of our future. According to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, there are more than 60,000 farms in Kansas which generate more than $18.5 billion in Agriculture output. On average, Kansas is the largest wheat producing state, producing 333,600,000 bushels of wheat in 2017. Nearly one-fifth of all wheat grown in the United States is grown in Kansas. Additionally, one 60-pound bushel of wheat provides about 42 pounds of white flour, enough for about 70, one pound loaves of white bread.

The Kansas State Fair wants to encourage students to learn more about Kansas agriculture. Farmers feed and clothe the world. Farmers today are raising more food with fewer resources. It is estimated that by 2050, we’ll need to feed two billion more people. Understanding how and where your food comes from is important. The Fair wants to help students connect with the people who grow their food.

There are 12 agriculture adventure stops listed at this link https://www.kansasstatefair.com/p.aspx?pID=fair/education/669& . You choose 6 of these stops to visit between May 1 and August 15, 2018. You can mail, email or bring your completed adventure sheet to the Kansas State Fair. All adventure sheets turned in by August 15 will receive a KSF Agriculture Fun Pack. Your name will also be put into a drawing for a free Kids Club ticket package to attend the 2018 Kansas State Fair.

New Roles at the Office

Well, I have been writing news articles for two years now. I cannot believe I have been here that long! I do have some exciting news to share with you though!

I am switching roles here in our office and our office is switching roles for my old job! How cool is that?

I will be a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent still, but I get to specialize in my programing. I will be specializing in Human Development and managing our 4-H program!

What does that mean? Well, I will be providing programing in our county that relates to youth, family, and community development. I will focus on stronger families, helping youth grow up to be amazing adults, and helping our community grow in the potential it can! Continue reading “New Roles at the Office”

Food Stand Manager Wanted

Do you have an interest in teaching children about food safety and handling skills? Are you an organized person? Do you like to plan meals? Then we have the job for you!

We are looking for a Food Stand Manager during the Harvey County Fair. This is a seasonal job that would plan the meals during our fair. Our fair is August 2nd through the 6th this year.

Job duties would include, planning the menu, working with agent, shopping for supplies, and being available during hours of operation.

This is a great opportunity to work with 4-Her’s and teach them how to manage money, safe food handling skills and food safety skills. If you love to work with children, then this is the opportunity for you.

If you are interested, you can find the application at www.harvey.ksu.edu/4-h or email Anne Pitts at aelpers@ksu.edu

A Heartfelt Farewell

For those who regularly read this column, you will know it was the beginning of May in 2016 that began working as the Harvey County 4-H Agent. Moving back to this county where I grew up and being able to work with a program that believes in the power of young people has been a dream come true. After a year and half of learning, growing as a professional, and serving our community, I have decided to leave KSRE Harvey County to pursue other career goals. I will be resigning as Harvey County 4-H Youth Development Agent effective December 27th, 2017.

This was not an easy decision to make. I have enjoyed working as the Harvey County 4-H Agent, and I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to serve youth, families, volunteers and our community in this role. I owe a special thank you to those who have shown me grace while I was learning, those who have supported me as I tried new things, and to a community who believes in the Harvey County 4-H program.

I will be stepping into a new role as a regionally based K-State Admissions Representative for the greater Wichita area and I look forward to continuing to work locally and with youth in Harvey County who are interested in attending K-State.



Hannah Reynolds

Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development

K-State Research and Extension Harvey County

Ten Things You Need to Know About the 4-H Program Fee

  1. What is changing? Beginning with 2017-2018 4-H enrollment, which is currently happening, Kansas 4-H Youth Development will be asking families to invest in the present and future of the program with an annual program fee.
  2. How much is it? $15. The Kansas 4-H Program fee is $15 per 4-H member annually. This fee does not apply to five and six-year-old 4-H members, or Cloverbuds; their membership is free. Waivers are available by request through the online enrollment process for any family with a financial need.
  3. What is it for? The program fee is a state level fee that will be supporting 4-H program priorities such as volunteer development, project support and curriculum, and program enhancement. The annual program fee is one part of a broader solution to grow the Kansas 4-H program and fulfill priorities
  4. Why now? People can invest two things: time and treasure. Across Kansas there is already significant investment of time in 4-H youth development- something we are proud of and grateful for- but not every challenge can be solved by investing more time; some require investment of funds. And we have reached the limit of what we can do with declining funds.
  5. What if a family can’t afford $15 per child? The Kansas 4-H office offers scholarships for families who need it. No child who wants to participate in Kansas 4-H will be denied the opportunity. The state 4-H office plans to provide accommodations to enable ALL young people to fully participate.
  6. Will there be a discount or cap for families with multiple 4-H members? No, there is no discounted rate or cap for families with multiple children.
  7. How do I pay it? 4-H families will pay the fee at the time of enrollment at https://ks.4honline.com. Families should pay the amount due for membership within seven days of enrolling, either by credit card or mailing a check to the State 4-H Office, or by selecting a waiver. Please do not send payments to the local Extension Office, these payments will not be processed.
  8. Is there any local support for this fee? The Harvey County 4-H Development Fund is committed to sponsoring every Harvey County 4-H member by reimbursing Harvey County 4-H families $5 for each enrolled 4-H member and $15 for every new Harvey County 4-H member, however families must pay the amount due in full to the state office (or select the waiver option). Reimbursements will be made after the 1st of the year to each local 4-H club, and will then be distributed to families.
  9. How does the Kansas 4-H program fee of $15 compare to other state 4-H program fees? The range of collection fees from the states that have implemented an annual participated fee is $3-$50 annually. Some states also charge by the number of projects in which youth participate.
  10. Where can I find more information about the Kansas 4-H program fee? You will find resources and contact information on the Kansas 4-H website, http://www.kansas4-h.org.


Enrollment Deadline

Don’t miss out! The deadline for returning 4-H members to enroll in the program is right around the corner, January 1st, 2018. The deadline for new 4-H members to enroll will be May 1st, 2018. The deadline to add or drop 4-H projects is May 1st, 2018. 4-H enrollment is completely online at https://ks.4honline.com.

The new state 4-H program fee begins this enrollment period. The fee is $15 per member per year. This fee does not apply to five and six-year-old 4-H members, or Cloverbuds; their membership is free. Waivers are available by request through the online enrollment process for any family with a financial need. Families should pay the amount due for membership at the time of enrollment, either by credit card or mailing a check to the State 4-H Office, or by selecting a waiver. Please do not send payments to the local Extension Office, these payments will not be processed. The mailing address for the state office is 4-H Youth Development, 201 Umberger Hall, 1612 Claflin Rd. Manhattan, KS 66506. If mailing a personal check is your desired form of payment, be sure to write the name of the 4-H youth member(s) on the memo line or on an additional sheet of paper, enclosed with the check so the payment may be applied to the appropriate member(s). Please note that cash cannot be accepted. Payment is due within (7) days of submitting 4-H enrollment. Continue reading “Enrollment Deadline”