Do you have student loan debt and worry how these obligations impact your overall financial wellness?
Did you know as a K-State employee there are ways to get a portion of your student loan(s) forgiven? If you meet certain eligibility criteria, your Federal Direct student loans may be eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness or PSLF. View eligibility criteria, repayment programs and other helpful information by visiting the Federal Student Aid website.
Employer certification may be required as part of the application process. The form can be found here and submitted to Human Capital Services for completion. When working towards eligibility this form is submitted annually, or when you change employers.
Kansas State University offers free resources and counseling to help.
Powercat Financial provides free, web-based resources to any individual seeking help with student loan planning and repayment, as well as budgeting, saving, managing debt and more. Face-to-face counseling sessions with peer financial counselors are currently only available to employees who are also current K-State students.
The State of Kansas Employee Assistance Program, or EAP offers counseling and advice on a variety of topics. Take advantage of these free financial resources by visiting the GuidanceResources® Online. EAP counselors are also available 24/7 by calling 1-888-275-1205. The EAP is available to all active, benefits-eligible employees of the State of Kansas and their dependents.
Questions? We’re here to help! Contact us at