HCS tips
Human Capital Services team members are always ready to provide assistance and guidance on all of your human resources need. If you have any questions please visit our website at www.k-state.edu/hcs or you may contact our call center at the number listed below.
HCS Call Center: 785-532-1888
- The Movement Challenge is underway! Beginning Aug. 19, the five-week challenge begins. Keep track of your activities and submit them for the opportunity to win prizes. Employees who participate in the Movement Challenge will earn 4 HealthQuest credits for reporting activity all five weeks of the challenge.
- Human Capital Services is dedicated to improving services to the campus community. A few areas that we have been working to improve include reclassification requests, hiring processes, onboarding and communication efforts across campus.
Benefits Open Enrollment is right around the corner. Please keep an eye out for communications through the K-State Today and the Benefits website. As in the past, Benefit Enrollment runs through the month of October.