Kansas State University


Department of Hospitality Management

Retirement celebration to honor Canter, Barrett and Mr. P

Dr. Deb Canter
Dr. Deb Canter

When Deb Canter, Pat Pesci and Betsy Barrett retire this year, they take 100 years of experience at K-State with them.

A retirement celebration will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 2, in Hoffman Lounge, Justin Hall on the K-State campus. The event will include food, drinks and the K-State faculty jazz ensemble.

Becca Dale, who is organizing the event for the department, is looking for photo contributions for a slide show at the celebration.

Please reserve your spot at the party by April 1 by visiting the about section of the event’s Facebook page or by calling 785-532-5521 weekdays between 8 a.m. and noon or 1 to 5 p.m. Those who are unable to come are asked to leave messages on Facebook for the retirees.

Canter has been in a leader in dietetics in the College of Human Ecology and the nation for 38 years. She joined the faculty in 1977 and has served as department head, director of the both the coordinated and didactic programs in dietetics and director of the graduate program. The professor has been honored as Professor of the Year for Kansas from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education and as a recipient of multiple honors from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, including the Award for Excellence in the Practice of Dietetics Education; the Medallion Award and as the 50th Lenna Frances Cooper Lecturer.

Pat Pesci
Pat Pesci

Pesci, known to students as Mr. P. and to people around the state as Mr. Etiquette, has worked with Kansas State University for 40 years. Since he joined the department faculty he has taught courses in hospitality management, tourism and service systems. He also directed internships and advised students. Before that he was administrative manager at Strong Complex and director of Kramer and Derby Dining Centers. He has conducted dining etiquette workshops on and off campus for more than 15 years. He has received the Dawley-Scholer Award for Faculty Excellence in Student Development.

Dr. Elizabeth Barrett

Barrett, who has been with the Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics for 22 years, instituted the wine courses in the hospitality management curriculum in 2001 and, with Mr. P., has lead wine and hospitality study abroad for hundreds of students. The associate professor came to K-State in 1993 and has served as director of the didactic program in dietetics, advised students and taught in hospitality management, dietetics and convention and event management. Her wine teaching repertoire includes contemporary issues in controlled beverages, introduction to wines and advanced wines.