The K-State Student Dietetic Association is student-led and helps students learn about opportunities in the field of dietetics through networking with registered dietitians. Currently, SDA has 43 active members. Over the past academic year, several registered dietitians have been invited to speak to members about their education and career paths, including the following:
• Jenny Westerkamp, RD, All Access Internships and KitchFix; Chicago, IL
• Scott Trausch, K-State director of sports and nutrition, and Kylie Hanson, RD, graduate assistant
• Mindy Storm, RD, Children’s Mercy Hospital and Camp Planet D
• Tandy Rundus, RD, director of Concordia School Nutrition Program
• Emily Emerson, RD, instructor in Human Nutrition
• Dianna Schalles, MS, RD, director of nutrition counseling at Lafene Health Center
The SDA executive council also coordinates social events to allow students to network with each other. At the beginning of the year, SDA hosted a healthy yogurt bar for potential members. SDA members have also enjoyed attending a pumpkin patch, ice skating and dinner together. Six members from SDA’s executive council trained for and ran a half-marathon together.
Over the past few months, SDA members have been collaborating with K-State’s Health and Nutrition Society and WellCAT Ambassadors to promote nutrition and the dietetics profession during National Nutrition Month in March and to recognize campus-wide registered dietitians. They are also developing activities to promote the profession at K-State’s Open House on April 11.
SDA offers scholarship opportunities to members interested in attending national, state and local conferences. SDA had two members attend FNCE in Atlanta, Ga. SDA will also be encouraging members to attend the Kansas Dietetic Association Conference in Wichita this spring.