Kansas State University


Department of Hospitality Management

Category: Spring 2013

New study tour: Costa Rican culture and cuisine

Culinary workshops, a coffee plantation visit and a behind-the-scenes tour of an international resort are highlights of a study tour being planned to northern Costa Rica March 15-22, 2014. Kevin Roberts and Kevin Sauer will lead the class, sponsored by the Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics  and coordinated with Paola Paez with the University of Costa Rica.

Research grants: From food allergy education to food safety

Most of the current research in the department involves various aspects of food safety. Listed are current projects, researchers involved in them and funding sources:

  • Advancing food allergy education for hospitality management and/or dietetics students using storytelling. J. Kwon, & K. L. Sauer. United States Department of Agriculture, Higher Education Challenge Grant. $140,168. Develop a comprehensive food allergy education resource with extensive learning modules and meaningful video stories. We aim to provide food allergy education and resources for two audiences, students and educators in hospitality management and dietetics programs.
  • Assessment and reduction of produce food safety risks in the school foodservice system. J. Kwon, D.  Ryu, E. Todd, & K.L. Sauer. USDA, National Integrated Food Safety Initiative. $600,000. Assess produce food safety risks in school foodservice systems and develop training program.
  • Cooling of foods in retail foodservice operations. K. Roberts, D. Olds, K. Sauer, C. Shanklin, & J. Sneed. USDA, Food and Nutrition Services. Determine if common cooling practices used in school foodservice operations meet the FDA Food Code standards.
  • Impact of food safety messages on the food handling behaviors of parents of young children. J. Sneed, K. Sauer, K. Roberts, D. Duncan-Goldsmith, & S. Weinrich. Research Project funded by United States Department of Agriculture, Food Safety Inspection Service. Evaluate the impact of food safety messages on prevention of cross contamination.
  • A comparison of health inspection results for schools and restaurants. J. Kwon, K. Roberts, K. Sauer, J. Sneed, K. Cole, A. Grisamore & S. Fan. USDA, Food and Nutrition Services. Compare results of health inspection reports for schools and restaurants.  (The top five violations in schools and percentage comparison to restaurants were: 1. premises and equipment (31.7% schools vs. 68.2% restaurants), 2. non-food contact surfaces (11.5% vs. 37.5%), 3. protecting food from contamination (11.1% vs. 32.7%), 4. warewashing (7.7% vs. 16.7%), and 5. food contact surfaces (8.7% vs. 39.5%).  While food handling practices in schools can be improved, scores were consistently better than those for restaurants.)
  • Implementation of food safety programs based on HACCP. J. Sneed, K. Sauer, K. Roberts, J. Kwon, K. Cole & D. Olds. Funded by USDA, Food and Nutrition Services. Evaluate how HACCP-based food safety programs have been implemented in school foodservice operations and how USDA and NFSMI resources have been used to establish these programs.
  • Assessment of the 2005 Guidance for School Food Authorities: Developing a school food safety program based on the process approach to HACCP principles: Summary Report of Stakeholder Responses. K. Roberts, K. Sauer, J. Sneed, C. Shanklin, J. Kwon, S. Fan & K. Cole. USDA, Food and Nutrition Services. Evaluate the usability of the guidance document for developing a food safety program.

Who’s who

Dean of the College of Human Ecology

  • Virginia Moxley, Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics

  • Jeannie Sneed, PhD, RD, professor


  • Elizabeth B. Barrett, PhD, RD, associate professor
  • Deborah D. Canter, PhD, RD, professor, director of didactic program in dietetics
  • Mark D. Edwards, MS, instructor, director of Derby Dining Center, Housing and Dining Services
  • Rebecca Gould, PhD, RD, professor, director of Information Technology Assistance Center
  • Nancy Hansen, MS, instructor
  • Amber D. Howells, MS, RD, director of coordinated program in dietetics
  • Sheryl Klobasa, MS, RD, instructor, director of Kramer Dining Center
  • Camille Korenek, MAg, instructor, director of Van Zile Dining Center
  • Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD, associate professor
  • Jane P. Marshall, MA, assistant instructor
  • Mary Molt, PhD, RD, assistant professor, assistant director of Housing and Dining Services
  • Chihyung Ok, PhD, associate professor
  • John Pence, MS, RD, instructor, associate director of Housing and Dining Services
  • Patrick H. Pesci, MS, instructor
  • Kevin R. Roberts, PhD, assistant professor, director of the undergraduate program in hospitality management
  • Kevin L. Sauer, PhD, RD, assistant professor
  • Missy Schrader, MS, instructor
  • Carol W. Shanklin, PhD, RD, professor, dean of Graduate School
  • Kelly Whitehair, PhD, instructor

Your support makes a difference

Friends and alumni of Hospitality Management and Dietetics make a difference in the lives of our students in many ways. They offer internships, travel to Manhattan to talk to classes, hire graduates, help guide the program and donate financial support. To explore ways to give to the program, contact Jennifer Rettele-Thomas, senior development director for Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, Ks. 66502, or jenniferr@found.ksu.edu or 800-432-1578.

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