Kansas State University


Johnson Cancer Research Center Newsletter

We awarded $228,400 this spring!

Thanks to our generous donors, we invested $228,400 in K-State cancer research and education this semester! We awarded faculty $105,960 for innovative research projects and $28,000 for laboratory equipment, and we awarded graduate students $88,240 in summer stipends and $4,200 for travel to present their research at scientific meetings. The awardees are listed on our Faculty and Student Award Winner webpages.

In total this school year, we’ve awarded $466,600. (K-State news release)

This is money well-spent! Many awardees leverage our support into national funding and prestigious honors for their research, helping advance K-State to a top 50 public research university by 2025.

some happy awardees
Cancer Research Awardees Denise Cobb, Samantha Talley, Eric Geanes, Christine Spartz, Brianne Pierce

We were also pleased to recognize 50 undergraduate student researchers at our annual Cancer Research Awards Banquet on April 19. It was a fun and moving night, as we honored the students, their families and faculty mentors, and the donors that made the awards possible. A photo gallery of the banquet is on our website.

To help K-State fight cancer, please visit our Join Us page, where you can print a donation form or give online. Private donations make it possible for our center to advance cancer research at K-State, promote excellence among our faculty and students, and achieve our vision to take a leading role in conquering cancer in our time.