The 2019 Conquest magazine is hot off the press, with brief, easy-to-read stories that showcase some of the excellent cancer research happening at Kansas State University. We also chat with Coach Bill Snyder, a member of our advisory council, about facing cancer and supporting research. view Conquest 2019
Stefan Bossmann, chemistry, has been named a University Distinguished Professor, K-State’s highest faculty ranking, awarded to only two professors per year. read more
David Poole, kinesiology and anatomy & physiology, will serve as K-State’s 2019-2020 Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars. read more
Jeroen Roelofs, biology, was named a Professor of the Week. read more
Bruce Snead, director of K-State’s National Radon Program Services, contributed to this Healthline article about radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in soil, and the second leading cause of lung cancer.
S. Keith Chapes, biology, and team sent 40 mice to the International Space Station April 17 for immune system research.
Zhoumeng Lin‘s research team in anatomy & physiology presented two award-winning posters and one platform presentation, and provided services for the Society of Toxicology, at the society’s annual meeting in Baltimore in March. read more in the College of Veterinary Medicine’s April Newsletter
K-State’s 2018-2019 undergraduate cancer researchers were honored at our annual Cancer Research Award Banquet April 12. Also recognized were the students’ mentors and parents, and the donors who make the awards possible. Photos of the banquet will be published on our Facebook page soon. See full list of our 2018-2019 Cancer Research Awardees.

Current and former undergraduate Cancer Research Awardees Emily Wessel, Gabrielle Phillips, Haley Smalley, Seth Peery and Molly Bassette received honors at the K-INBRE Symposium in January! K-INBRE stands for Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence. IDeA stands for Institutional Development Award, a program of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health. read more
Obdulia Covarrubias Zambrano, doctoral student in chemistry working with Stefan Bossmann, received statewide recognition for her cancer research at the 16th Capitol Graduate Research Summit Feb. 27 at the State Capitol in Topeka. Her research focuses on the development of a nanobiosensor for early pancreatic cancer detection by means of a simple blood test. read more
Longtime friend and advisory council member of the Johnson Cancer Research Center Jim Haymaker will be awarded an honorary doctorate from K-State in May. read more