Kansas State University


Department of Kinesiology

Major Accomplishments and Highlights

The faculty, staff and students in the Department of Kinesiology have seen many successes during this school year. We are excited to share these with you!


Dryden Baumfalk, doctoral student, received the Graduate Student Council Travel Award and the College of Human Ecology Travel Award.

Jesse Stein, doctoral student, received the Family Award from the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs


Steven Copp, Carl Ade and Tim Musch received a $260,763.20 federal grant from the National Institutes of Health for their project entitled “Exercise Pressor Reflex Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Mechanisms and Treatments”.

Sarah Cosgrove: received the KAWSE Postdoctoral Reseracher Travel Award from the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering; 2018 poster winner through the Kansas Public Health Association.

Katie Heinrich: named Outstanding Graduate Faculty member from the college

Emily Mailey: citation award winner from the Society of Behavioral Medicine

Rob Pettay: awarded the Kansas Academic Advising Network Supporting Advisory Award; named an ACUE Fellow from the Association of College and University Education