Kansas State University


Growing Seasons: Kansas State University Gardens

K-State Open House — activities in the gardens

The Kansas State University Gardens have several activities lined up for this year’s All-University Open House, Saturday, April 1.

As part of our maintenance program, we are dividing many of our daylily plants this year. As a fundraiser to support our efforts, we will sell divisions of many of the daylilies in our collection. The sale will be held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In addition to the Daylily Sale, the Friends of the Gardens will promote the “Sjo” Cotton Candy Redbud tree for the gardens. A raffle drawing will be conducted for a chance to win a “Sjo” Cotton Candy Redbud tree, and the Friends of the Gardens will have cotton candy for those participating in the raffle or anyone who donates to the gardens that day. Tickets for the raffle will be sold throughout March and at the All-University Open House, with the drawing at 2 p.m.

If you need to brush up on your shrub pruning skills, Charlie Barden from the Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources will be in the gardens, demonstrating correct pruning practices that will keep your woody plants looking attractive and healthy. Look to join him on the east end of the gardens parking lot at 2 p.m.

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