Kansas State University


Growing Seasons: Kansas State University Gardens


Welcome to The Gardens at Kansas State University
A view of the Quinlan Visitor Center from the Adaptive/Native Plants Garden

Welcome to the first issue of “Growing Seasons”, an electronic newsletter that will be emailed periodically throughout the year. For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Gardens and our history, we’ve provided a brief background and introduction to our beautiful grounds and facilities.

Kansas State University, established in 1863, has a long history with gardening starting with its Arboretum in 1877. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University donated over 100 species of exotic trees and shrubs. Continue reading “Welcome”

Why I care about The Gardens

Cindy Morris
Cindi Morris, Volunteer and Friends of The Gardens Board Member

Being outside and surrounded by nature is nourishing to one’s soul. Digging in the soil, seeing plants grow and thrive, designing a beautiful space – these activities ground me. The Gardens at Kansas State University provide a way to share this passion for gardens with others. The open spaces, special collections, fresh air and expansive sky are restful, or inspirational at different times. Having this public space available for all who are curious adds an element of connectedness to our lives.  The Gardens serve as a living, growing legacy we can pass on to each generation of K-Staters.

Support the Gardens

Support for The Gardens comes in many different ways. Friends of The Gardens, Garden Sponsorship and Volunteers have all been the backbone for the growth and success of The Gardens. Grow with The Gardens and donate today!

Gifts for The Gardens at Kansas State University support garden efforts to educate, enhance and grow the gardens for years to come.
Gifts for The Gardens support efforts to educate, enhance and grow the gardens for many years to come



Corporations and businesses encourage philanthropic behavior and enhance the impact of employee generosity with matching gift programs. Depending on your individual company’s policy, your gift or volunteer efforts for K-State or The Gardens could be increased from one to three times for each dollar you contribute. Continue reading “Support the Gardens”

Eleventh Annual KSU Garden Gala

The next annual Garden Gala is scheduled for Friday, June 5, 2015. Join us for Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil at 6:30 p.m. in The Gardens at Kansas State University (1500 Denison Avenue). For more information or to purchase tickets, please call 785-532-7093.

Cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres provided with entertainment by Dueling Pianos Plus.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil



Upcoming Events

Throughout the year, The Gardens have various community and educational events. Below are a few summer events in The Gardens that you don’t want to miss!

June 5:  11th Annual Garden Gala, 6:30 p.m.

June 7:  27th Annual Master Gardener Garden Tour, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

July 25:  Iris Sale, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

For more information about these events, please contact The Gardens at 785-532-1397.