“One Hunger Pang Away,” written by K-State Graduate Student Amy Tichy, was performed in a read-through format on November 11th in the K-State Union Little Theatre. The play followed a family who shared their personal experience with Ms. Tichy regarding the impact of PTSD on their family. After the read-through, family members Maj. Jeff Hall, Sheri, and daughter Courtney spoke more in depth to the audience and answered questions about their family’s journey with the military and post-war PTSD. Maj. Hall and Sheri have worked closely with the Institute for several years. Courtney and Tami Hall both serve on the Institute Advisory Board.
“Beyond Glory”
On November 13th, 2013, the Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families attended “Beyond Glory,” starring Actor Stephen Lang. Lang is an award winning scriptwriter and stage star. This event took place at McCain Auditorium located on the Kansas State University campus. The performance was held in conjunction with several events commemorating Veterans Day in the community.
Lang, an award-winning playwright and renowned star of the screen and stage, portrays the personas of eight different American recipients of the Medal of Honor from World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Lang’s performance illuminates the bitter pride, pain and wonder that these veterans experienced as they recount the acts that earned them the nation’s highest military accolade.
The performance is combined with a backdrop of a video screen showing the turmoil of combat. “Beyond Glory” is adapted from the book by Larry Smith.
“Beyond Glory” was sponsored by the McCain Performance Series, the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce Military Relations Committee and Dick Edwards Auto.
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Joe Goode Performance Group: Human Kind – What Does it Mean to Be Resilient?
The Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families collaborated with McCain Auditorium and the Joe Goode Performance Group for a February 27, 2013, performance. The Joe Goode Performance Group is a modern dance group based out of San Francisco, California. The group worked with local military members and their families to create a modern dance performance that was held on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at K-State’s Nichols Theatre. The dance group met with local families to learn their stories of resilience, then combined them with dance, song and spoken word to develop the fourth performance of its “Human Kind” series, “Human Kind: What Does it Mean to Be Resilient?” More information, pictures, and media stories are available at:
The K-State Media Release (pre-performance)
Combat Aviation Brigade Change of Command
On April 26th, 2013, the Institute staff attended the Change of Command Ceremony for the Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) at Fort Riley. This event included a fun-run, tour, and a lunch. We had the opportunity to tour many of the CAB helicopters. At the luncheon we said goodbye to Col. Mike Morgan and gave Col. Matthew Lewis a warm welcome. This event was a great way to involve Fort Riley’s community partners and we enjoyed getting to spend our morning welcoming COL Lewis to Fort Riley.