K-State was a Finalist in the 2015 DOE Collegiate Wind Competition at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) in Boulder, Colorado. Competing teams included the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Colorado School of Mines, Pennsylvania State University, California Maritime Academy, Boise State University, Northern Arizona University, and Kansas State University.

Teams of undergraduates tested original designs of model wind turbines in an on-site wind tunnel and presented their technical designs to wind technology experts.
This year there was the addition of a surprise challenge. Teams were given a set of criteria that included the location of transmission lines, access roads, local demand, and integration facilities, and tasked to use their knowledge of wind energy systems to determine the perfect location for a new wind plant that would produce energy at the lowest cost possible.
Since the Collegiate Wind Competition is intended to inspire and equip the next generation of wind professionals, the involvement of the wind industry is critical. The Energy Department is proud to have collaborated with Siemens Wind Power, Vaisala, Renewable Energy Systems – Americas, ReGenerate, Invenergy, KidWind, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to make the Collegiate Wind Competition 2015 Engineering Contest a success.
The Energy Department’s Wind Program leads the nation’s efforts to accelerate the deployment of wind power technologies through improved performance, lower costs, and reduced market barriers.
K-State Team
Thomas Umscheid
Shane Smith
Lawryn Edmonds
David Plenert
Lee Evans