Nine MNE students were inducted into the Order of the Engineer this spring.
Any engineer is eligible for induction if he or she has graduated from an EAC of ABET program or holds a license as a Professional Engineer in the United States. Students enrolled in EAC of ABET degree programs are eligible if they are within one academic year of graduation. Other candidates may be considered eligible because of equivalent credentials, subject to the approval of the local Link Board of Governors or the National Board of Governors. Anyone may witness the induction ceremony. Families are often invited as guests.
The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer.
Theodore A. Augustine
Bonnie Bowman
Skyler Butler
Alan Duong
Kristen N. Fischer
Christa Lynn Hagedorn Tank
Amanda Van Nuland
Austin E. Wessel
Andrew Willman