Grassland vegetation trends between 2001-2015 in Pottawatomie County.
Eleven students – from three colleges and seven different majors – successfully completed the NRES capstone course in Spring 2016. Faculty advisors were Dr. Shawn Hutchinson (Geography) and Dr. Trisha Moore (Biological & Agricultural Engineering).
Students worked on two different projects including “Green Infrastructure at KSU” and “Statistical Analysis of Grassland Trends and Phenology using Satellite Time Series Imagery of the Flint Hills Ecoregion.” Project reports and scientific poster presentations can be viewed and downloaded from the NRES website.
Congratulations to students Alison Cioffi (Biological Systems Engineering), Jade Edmonds (Biological Systems Engineering), Jackie Gehrt (Wildlife Ecology), Emily Johnson (Fishery, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology), Ryan Keast (Geology), Peter Masters (Biological Systems Engineering), Brooke Mechels (Recreation Business), Kevin Moluf (Civil Engineering), Kendra Risen (Geology), Tyler Vaughn (Geology), Tabitha Wyckoff (Physical Sciences).