Campus Creek is a small tributary of the Kansas River that runs through the Manhattan campus of Kansas State University.
Eleven students – from three colleges and eight different majors – successfully completed the NRES capstone course in Spring 2017. Faculty advisors were Dr. Aleksey Sheshukov (Biological & Agricultural Engineering) and Dr. Arnaud Temme (Geography).
Students worked on two different projects including “Environmental Assessment of K-State Campus Creek” and “Road Cuts in the Flint Hills: An Overview of Ecological Health and Structural Integrity.” Project reports and scientific poster presentations can be viewed and downloaded from the NRES website.
Congratulations to students Dayton Allen (Park Management & Conservation), Nathan Fischer (Park Management & Conservation), Chris Greve (Geology), Morgan Hammes (Psychology), Logan Hay (Agricultural Technology Management), Russell Hicks (Park Management & Conservation), Kristina Keehn (Park Management & Conservation), Amy Kruse (Agricultural Economics), Sarah Lamm (Chemistry), Chad Olney (Civil Engineering), and Chad Touslee (Geography).