As Wildcats, we know we have a certain way of doing things. It may not always look the same, but the basic fact remains: Wherever we go, success and positive changes follow. With creative resourcefulness, perseverance to make a difference and the contagious enthusiasm of the Wildcat family, we take what we have learned to thrive in every field. Continue reading “That’s the Wildcat Way”
Category: Issue 34, February 2014
Maintaining historic K-State campus
By Marisa Larson
“I know a spot that I love full well.” The first line of Kansas State University’s alma mater reflects what many feel about K-State. People love K-State for several different, personal reasons, but one thing nearly all share is an admiration for the beautiful, historic campus. Our pride of place is deeply felt for this home away from home. Continue reading “Maintaining historic K-State campus”
New Residence Hall Project
Plans to build a new residence hall and dining center adjacent to the Kramer Complex were announced in May 2013 following approval from the Kansas Board of Regents.
The project includes construction of the new residence hall and dining center, plus renovations to Marlatt and Goodnow residence halls. Once complete, the four buildings will be connected by enclosed walkways. Continue reading “New Residence Hall Project”
86th Annual K-State Family Day
Celebrate family on K-State’s Family Day, September 27th, 2014! We have already started to prepare the fun activities, make lists of great food and guests! Special activities include:
- the K-State Legacy Pinning Ceremony & Brunch
- Family Time in Cat Town tailgate before the football game against UTEP
- 2014 Family of the Year recognition sponsored by Chimes Junior Honorary.
A K-State Tradition of Helping Students
K-State Proud is underway this week through Feb. 28. K-State Proud is a student organization focused on philanthropy and has positively impacted campus for the past seven years, raising more than $700,000 for students with financial need.