Kansas State University


K-State Parents and Family Program

Category: Uncategorized

PFP Fundraising Updates

Thank you to all who participated in raising funds for the K-State Parents and Family Program. Over the past 12 months, parents and families have supported different Student Life initiatives through the following fundraisers.

With the funds raised this year through generous parent and family donations and from a sponsorship from Hy-Vee, the PFP was able to allocate funds to Lafene Health Center to help incentivize Covid-19 Vaccines. Learn more here.  Funds were also used to provide gift cards to students who were formerly involved with foster care. Finally your generous donations helped add professional clothing to the Career Closet and non-perishable food to the Cats’ Cupboard.

In addition to supporting these essential programs your donations also helped the PFP put on several Wildcat Live Panels throughout 2020 and will help us host the upcoming Family Day!  I offer my sincerest gratitude to our Wildcat Parents and Families. Do you have questions about supporting our programs? Please reach out to ajdeluca@k-state.edu

If you’d like to make a tax-deductible gift to the PFP fund toward any of these initiatives please visit the link below. Supporters will receive this sticker as a reminder of their unconditional support of our Wildcats!
