Generous gifts by alumni and friends are crucial to the success of our students and faculty. Such donations have helped us to support talented undergraduate students, attract quality graduate students, and enhance our instructional and research equipment, and send students and faculty to conferences to present their research findings and to stay on the cutting edge of knowledge. We are extremely thankful to those who have contributed to the department, and are pleased to recognize those giving more than $100 in our Honor Roll of Giving.
How you can help
If you would like to make an online gift to KSU Political Science, please CLICK HERE. You can choose to support the department’s overall success by providing a gift to the Political Science Department Excellence Fund (Fund #: F36000), or you might consider giving to a scholarship that has particular meaning for you. We would, of course, be honored to have your support.
If you have any questions about supporting the Department of Political Science at Kansas State University, please feel free to contact Emily Mahoney, our Development Officer, at 1-800-432-1578 or