As you surely know from recent newsletters, the national and international visibility of KSU’s Department of Political Science continues to grow. As KSU advances toward the goal of becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025, political science faculty have been producing a steady stream of publications in the leading journals of the discipline and have accumulated a number of professional accolades. Given the volume of our recent activity, we can’t outline all of our faculty’s professional feats. We can, however, provide a few highlights from the past year.

Assistant Professor Sam Bell published in two of the top ranked journals of the discipline of political science over the past year, the Journal of Politics and the British Journal of Political Science. He also had additional papers appear in respected outlets International Interactions and Conflict Management and Peace Science. He presented his research at the annual International Studies Association (ISA) meeting in San Francisco, CA and the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) meeting in Chicago, IL. Bell also gave invited talks at University College London, the University of Exeter, and the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom.
Associate Professor Ethan Bernick presented research at the MPSA meetings and has a number of papers under review.
Assistant Professor Nathaniel Birkhead received a research grant from the Center on the American Governor at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics. He presented research at MPSA and at the State Politics and Policy Conference (SPPC) in Iowa City, IA. His 2012 SPPC paper was a finalist for the conference’s best paper award.

Assistant Professor Sabri Ciftci has forthcoming papers in the leading disciplinary journal Political Research Quarterly and the prominent subfield journals International Journal of Middle East Studies and the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. He presented research at the annual Middle East Studies Association meetings in Denver, CO and at the MPSA meetings.
Associate Professor John Fliter, Director of Undergraduate Studies, published a book entitled Fighting Foreclosure: The Blaisdell Case, the Contract Clause, and the Great Depression with the University Press of Kansas. The book is co-authored with KSU History faculty member Derek Hoff.
Associate Professor Jim Franke, Director of Graduate Studies, authored the KSU MPA program’s reaccreditation report for the National Association of Schools of Public Administration and Affairs. As a result, our MPA program gained a further seven years of accreditation with this prestigious organization. He also penned our graduate program report to the Kansas Board of Regents and launched an ambitious review of our graduate curriculum, among other projects.

Assistant Professor Brianne Heidbreder published articles in the well-known subfield journals State and Local Government Review and Politics & Policy over the past year. She presented research at the MPSA meetings.
University Distinguished Professor Dale Herspring’s book Civil-Military Relations and Shared Responsibility came out on John Hopkins University Press. He had an article accepted for publication at the journal Problems of Post-Communism and gave invited talks at Hunter College of the City University of New York and at a Truman Legacy Symposium sponsored by the Truman Foundation and the Truman Library in Key West, Florida. The papers for both of these presentations are scheduled to be included in edited books, and the latter talk was televised on CSPAN.
Professor Laurie Johnson’s book Locke and Rousseau: Two Enlightenment Responses to Honor came out on Lexington Press. Her 2007 book Hobbes’s Leviathan was translated into Korean and published by Bloomsbury Press. In addition, she obtained a total of approximately $18,000 in private grants for program support and student scholarships from the Redbud Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation. Johnson also has a new blog:

Professor Emizet Kisangani’s book Civil Wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo came out on Lynne Rienner Press. He has forthcoming papers co-authored with Jeffrey Pickering at International Studies Quarterly and Conflict Management and Peace Science. By invitation, in May he led an African Union sponsored five day seminar on peace-building after civil war for middle and upper level African government officials at the Institute for Peace and Security, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Associate Professor Andrew Long, Director of Security Studies, published an article in Global Economy Journal and presented research at the MPSA meeting and the annual European Political Science Association meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
Assistant Professor Carla Martinez Machain published an article in Armed Forces & Society and has an article forthcoming in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, a leading international relations journal. She also presented research at the MPSA meetings.
Professor Jeffrey Pickering has forthcoming articles in International Studies Quarterly and Conflict Management and Peace Science co-authored with Emizet Kisangani. He presented research at the annual ISA meeting.

Assistant Professor Josie Schafer presented papers at the annual Urban Affairs Conference in San Francisco, CA and at the MPSA. She has a number of articles currently under review.
Assistant Professor Craig Stapley had articles accepted at three journals over the past year: the prestigious Journal of Politics (with Security Studies PhD student Jacob Mauslein), the notable subfield journal International Interactions, and Global Security Studies. He also presented research at the International Studies Association-Midwest meeting in St. Louis, MO.